Came to work yesterday around 6:20am, left work at 6pm, went back to work at 11:15pm, left at 2am, came back at 6:30am.
Baby needs a fucking nap!
Here are my two cents for the day
why is the image not coming out right? why can i not edit my own html? don't you have it when the "smarties" dumb it down for people? thanks a lot for making this user-friendly.
I'm so fucking tired.

Here are my two cents for the day

why is the image not coming out right? why can i not edit my own html? don't you have it when the "smarties" dumb it down for people? thanks a lot for making this user-friendly.
I'm so fucking tired.
saturday night we had our first Battle of New Orleans fight
it was a good time
kick boxing
muay thai
and ultimate fighting
had 10 fights
a couple long and bloody
some quick knockouts
good stuff though
im sure you would have enjoyed it
and been knocking some heads around
[Edited on Dec 13, 2004 1:44AM]
[Edited on Dec 13, 2004 1:49AM]