You have GOT to be fucking kidding me. Are the only educated people with morals in the northeast, the west coast, and around the great lakes? Our country is COVERED with ignorant [religious] fucks!! JFC, the senior center at my church had a special viewing of Fahrenheit 9/11 two weeks ago, wtf is wrong with these other so-called religious people!? I didn't vote to kill more people, fucking Republicans, I can't believe Puff Daddy's slogan "VOTE OR DIE" was right!! Even fucking New Hampshire, which OBVIOUSLY has some intelligent people who can properly assess the state of the world, voted Democrat. I am so ashamed to be part of this country, I want out.
Actually, there was some good news: California voted YES on proposition 71 to support stem cell research.
And while I'm at it, fuck Ralph Nader. I don't care if it didn't really make much of a difference, fuck him anyway. There has to be a way to stop this, WHY ARE ALL THE CRAZY VIOLENT FUCKS REPUBLICAN?
Actually, there was some good news: California voted YES on proposition 71 to support stem cell research.
And while I'm at it, fuck Ralph Nader. I don't care if it didn't really make much of a difference, fuck him anyway. There has to be a way to stop this, WHY ARE ALL THE CRAZY VIOLENT FUCKS REPUBLICAN?
I'm thinking you should be less judgemental twards these people you don't know. According to you I would be one of these" ignorant [religious] fucks" and I'm not ignorant or religous. I know people have a tendancey to get reved up durring election time, but please...take it easy, we're human too.
So my comment isn't all scratching and squaking, I dig your tattoo ideas. Cultural tattoos are some of my favorate.
I think I'm gonna try to draw the pic you left on my juornal.
The party of tolerence extends its tolerence only to those who toe the party line. That particular hypocrisy towards the "vote for the inclusive kind party that respects allfreedoms of choice" has always amazed me. I love that you all make the blanket statement that anyone who disagrees with you is essentially misinformed or evil.
Amazingly inconsistent.