I had my first dream about drinking last night!! Salty dogs, yum... but NO YUM. Anyway, alls I want to do today is watch Wakefield pitch for the Sox on ESPN2. IS THERE A PLACE IN BERKELEY THAT WOULD ACTUALLY BE PLAYING THIS GAME ON THEIR TV?
Also in my dream last night was a HUGE wad of my hair falling out. What does that mean? Teeth falling out means like a loss of innocence, but hair? YES, I believe the psychobabble.
HA! I almost forgot the best part of yesterday. My b/f tried to duck a punch in the ring and I squared him w/ a right hand punch and nearly knocked him down!!

He's never been knocked down, it was HILARIOUS. Meanwhile, I was wearing a borrowed cage headgear and the bloody thing hit my mouthpiece, which hit my teeth, when he punched me w/ a right hand.

An image of gold replacement teeth flashed in my mind.

Have you ever had a day of COMPLETE happiness? Just curious, I don't think I ever have, I don't think it's possible. Well, it could be if I had no interaction w/ the outside world, maybe.

I dunno.
An ex of mine sent me an email a while back saying some sorry BS about being an asshole while we were together and that it was a cool time, but he ruined it. I replied and said yeah, it was, whatever, and I added a p.s. feel free to return my Taxi Driver DVD. The bastard, he mailed me a new one! The world is strange.