copied from here:
I'm trying to put my thoughts into words. My great-grandma was a tiny old lady, bout 4'2". Two of my uncles are like 6'2", and many years ago they both had really long hair, and my great-grandma braided it, pippi longstockings style. There's a picture of the three of them standing together. It's way too cute for words.
I've been thinking about life a lot, and come to the conclusion that That is the shit that you remember. Silly times, mostly. Like my great-grandma, when she was on her death bed, what was she thinking about, looking back on her life? Probably about braiding her grandson's hair. And other pointless, precious moments.
Even thinking back on the past 5 years or so. The only shit that I remember Vividly are the random, seemingly meanless moments. Sitting on the front porch at dawn, smoking a cigarette and watching the sun come up with Meghan. Watching cartoon network with friends. Blowing bubbles with Sarah Duddles. Mandie's birthday when we went to the mall, and everyone's pager went off and the doors flew open all at the same time. When Jessyka jumped on my lap and kissed me, right in front of two girls I was trying to get with.
Being stuck in the parking lot with Meghan and Josh under the bridge on New Years Eve. The time Jon threw me in the puddle in front of Caribou downtown.
Wanna know the shit that doesn't matter? Getting to work on time every day. You're not gonna think about that on your death bed, or even in 5 years. You're not gonna be like, "Wasn't life great, I deposited my check every friday right after I got it." or "I loved so-and-so for this many years" or "I was hurt by this many people". That is NOT the shit that matters.
The shit that matters is the memories you make. They're the only thing that sticks in your brain. Sure there's bad shit, but who wants to remember that vividly? Fuck it. I've been spending the last 2 months or so trying to clear out my life. Keep a low profile, don't have people over a lot, don't go out a lot. Get your life on track. THAT IS NOT THE SHIT THAT MATTERS.
While my great-grandma has passed away, she will still live on in the story about her braiding my uncle's hair, and other memories. That is what she left in this world. Only the memories. No one cares if she made it to work every day. (Unless she loved her job, that would make a wonderful story.)
So I'm sorry if I've been distant lately guys. And worrying about the shit that just doesn't matter. I miss you all. Please come over. And call me. Let's make some memories.
I like that.
I'm trying to put my thoughts into words. My great-grandma was a tiny old lady, bout 4'2". Two of my uncles are like 6'2", and many years ago they both had really long hair, and my great-grandma braided it, pippi longstockings style. There's a picture of the three of them standing together. It's way too cute for words.
I've been thinking about life a lot, and come to the conclusion that That is the shit that you remember. Silly times, mostly. Like my great-grandma, when she was on her death bed, what was she thinking about, looking back on her life? Probably about braiding her grandson's hair. And other pointless, precious moments.
Even thinking back on the past 5 years or so. The only shit that I remember Vividly are the random, seemingly meanless moments. Sitting on the front porch at dawn, smoking a cigarette and watching the sun come up with Meghan. Watching cartoon network with friends. Blowing bubbles with Sarah Duddles. Mandie's birthday when we went to the mall, and everyone's pager went off and the doors flew open all at the same time. When Jessyka jumped on my lap and kissed me, right in front of two girls I was trying to get with.

Wanna know the shit that doesn't matter? Getting to work on time every day. You're not gonna think about that on your death bed, or even in 5 years. You're not gonna be like, "Wasn't life great, I deposited my check every friday right after I got it." or "I loved so-and-so for this many years" or "I was hurt by this many people". That is NOT the shit that matters.
The shit that matters is the memories you make. They're the only thing that sticks in your brain. Sure there's bad shit, but who wants to remember that vividly? Fuck it. I've been spending the last 2 months or so trying to clear out my life. Keep a low profile, don't have people over a lot, don't go out a lot. Get your life on track. THAT IS NOT THE SHIT THAT MATTERS.
While my great-grandma has passed away, she will still live on in the story about her braiding my uncle's hair, and other memories. That is what she left in this world. Only the memories. No one cares if she made it to work every day. (Unless she loved her job, that would make a wonderful story.)
So I'm sorry if I've been distant lately guys. And worrying about the shit that just doesn't matter. I miss you all. Please come over. And call me. Let's make some memories.
I like that.

I am 6 days late but I hope you had a very happy Birth Day.
Did you end up at Luna on saturday? Fuckin work inhibited me from attending to say hello
Hopefully you will get out and make it to the bar one of these nights!!!!! It is always a treat when SG members come out and get wasted with the rest of us!!!