I cannot comprehend mass people. Who are they, where do they come from? How can They have you so zombified that you aren't even curious, it doesn't even cross your mind as to why these "truths" this "common sense" they fucking straight plug into your brain creates a pretty little world in your head with enough drama to keep you there. Why don't the mass people ever follow the slightest inkling to wonder who is controlling them. They're not even curious. However much sorrow I can muster up for the rest of the world's problems: hunger, homelessness, poverty, war, fear... I give my heart for these. But to not follow a curious mind whever it leads you, and to allow this shit to continue... I cannot fathom it. I can't even pity them. Maybe because their head-in-the-sand affects my life so much. And it bothers me that I cannot pity them. I'm only one person. I do what I can - post it on SG. But my humanitarianism is lost; it's made completely obsolete next to this problem of the mass person. I cannot feel for these people, because I cannot understand it. I can only laugh and fight back the tears.
The revolution will not be seen or heard.
The revolution will not be seen or heard.
NOPE. I wasn't ever one of the corner kids in Royal Oak. I've spent a good amount of time there though (my guitar player lives there) and used to hang out there quite a bit when I was in high school ('97-2001) but I was never part of the group of "cool" kids outside of Caribou Coffee.
ha...not to belittle them though. There was always some good people there to have good conversation with. My band periodically plays at the KofC hall just otuside of Downtown Royal (J)Oak sometimes. You should drop by and see the next show (Infact, we're playing an in-store show at record time in Ferndale in a few weeks, just a hop,skip an' a jump from you.)