Have any of you noticed the image of the Street Dogs on the top banner of the website? I was actually on that shoot as a digital capture tech and handled a large portion of the post production for it as well. My good friend Maarten de Boer is the photographer.
You can check out more of his work HERE
I recently participated in a photo series Maarten is creating to support Obama as well. Check it out!
Kindra came over last night and we walked around Hollywood taking photos of the randomness that I call home.

Speaking of Kindra, her new set is member review.
Make sure to take a peak!

You can check out more of his work HERE
I recently participated in a photo series Maarten is creating to support Obama as well. Check it out!
Kindra came over last night and we walked around Hollywood taking photos of the randomness that I call home.

Speaking of Kindra, her new set is member review.
Make sure to take a peak!

holly wood is one of the good towns to just walk around and photograph. love it.
That Obama website was fantastic! I'm totally spreading it around. To everyone.