Today is a very sad day. One of my fish passed away this morning. His was a Black Moor Goldfish and his name was Senor Shark (or just Shark for short). Shark was missing a fin and had the cutest swim. He had to wiggle a bit to get around. For those of you who have seen Finding Nemo, he had a swim similar to Nemo.
A few days ago I noticed some white spots growing on his body that I identified as a fungus called white spot. I immediately isolated him in an intensive care tank that I set up in my apartment and started treating him for the fungus. The treatment worked well and after a few days he was back to his old self again. Once I put him back into my aquarium, he took a drastic turn for the worse. The poor little guy wasn't moving and would just float with his body propped up against a plant. I soon realized that the fungus was just a side effect of the main issue. He had an internal parasite! Since Parasites easily spread to other fish, my Oranda Goldfish named The Tumor is now infected as well.
So then I had to separately isolate them both and give them my intensive care treatment. Sadly, Shark, passed away, long before his time. The Tumor is holding on and I'm really hoping to see improvement when I get home from work today. It breaks my heart to see them suffer. I'm just glad i've finally identified the main problem so I can do everything I can to help my little buddies.
Please wish The Tumor good luck and I'll tell him you said so.
As for Senor Shark...May he bloob in peace. You will be missed little friend.
A few days ago I noticed some white spots growing on his body that I identified as a fungus called white spot. I immediately isolated him in an intensive care tank that I set up in my apartment and started treating him for the fungus. The treatment worked well and after a few days he was back to his old self again. Once I put him back into my aquarium, he took a drastic turn for the worse. The poor little guy wasn't moving and would just float with his body propped up against a plant. I soon realized that the fungus was just a side effect of the main issue. He had an internal parasite! Since Parasites easily spread to other fish, my Oranda Goldfish named The Tumor is now infected as well.
So then I had to separately isolate them both and give them my intensive care treatment. Sadly, Shark, passed away, long before his time. The Tumor is holding on and I'm really hoping to see improvement when I get home from work today. It breaks my heart to see them suffer. I'm just glad i've finally identified the main problem so I can do everything I can to help my little buddies.
Please wish The Tumor good luck and I'll tell him you said so.
As for Senor Shark...May he bloob in peace. You will be missed little friend.

its ok! i have been a lil busy with things lately but im ready now :]
Ahh but remember with death is life so, keep your chin up.