Today as been really rough. There is just a lot of drama happening right now and I don't really handle it well. I've heard that the three most stressful things you can go through are divorce, moving and financial difficulties. Well I'm going through all three right now. I'm not actually getting divorced, but I'm moving out of my current apartment and feel like I'm breaking up with my roommate. It didn't end well. Anyway, I'm about stressed to the limit, but I definitely see some eventually very positive things to this currently difficult time in my life. I'm just trying to hold on to those positive thoughts and let the rest wash over me. To help get my mind off all the drama, I decided to spend the afternoon in the pool. ahhh...sweet relaxation.

I like your pics because they always have a simple elegance to them, you have the look of a boardingschool girl... running amok? Hard to say but you are lovely.