It’s been so hard to try to regrow all my accounts since my Instagram has been disabled. I’m trying my hardest to stay motivated & that’s become even harder since I’m pregnant. I just started webcamming on Friday on Chaturbate & that’s been going okay, the amount of men actually attracted to pregnant women was relieving, I thought I’d get a lot more backlash for it.
Hopefully at some point after I have my baby I can have a new set. It’s been hard to find photographers to work with in my area that do SG sets or willing to do them for me at least. I always feel so left out of this community & that doesn’t help. I don’t post as much because I feel like what’s the point? Especially since I have no active sets.
I just feel like I’m completely losing my love for modeling which sucks because I’ve been doing it since I was in elementary school but maybe it’s just time for me to pack it up & just be a mom lol. I’m just venting & also updating you guys. I try to be apart of this community, I follow so many SGs that don’t follow back, I try to interact in comments/pictures etc. & only a few actually respond or anything of that sort. SG hasn’t posted me in like months, so that also doesn’t make me wanna post as much lol. Idk I’m just genuinely giving up but also not wanting to because of how much I love it. Maybe I should just stop caring completely..but when I was that way I came off as “mean” or “cold” 🥴 I feel like I can’t catch a break.