I have realised how alot (if not everything) i have tried to change in my life was nothing but a complete waste of time. It keeps staying the way it is or getting worst every time i try to make something about it. When i was in highschool getting bullied - i tried getting help but it only led to me being in more pain...
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Its been 9 years now. 9 years that ive had emotional and mental problems that even if i try to cure - never go away.
Ive accepted and admitted a very long time ago that i had problems i needed to deal with. I never tried to convince myself that i was "ok" yet , it never really fixed anything. I tried seeing terapist and...
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its a little early to say this since its only in a few hours but hey , i wont be able to say it since i work tonight.
So ya , lets all brace for a massive impact of love around us while we sit there all alone. wondering what the hell is so wrong with us.
lets try to go blind over the thousands...
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Years ago , about 9 years to be more precise - my familly was going throught a tough time.
My parents were going throught a divorce ...and not the one that ends on good term. My dad had cheated on my Mom and was releashing his aggressivity and anger on us. Just to make it all worst - i had just started Highschool wich added...
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you might read this and laugh , telling me that im " only 21 years old" and that i have alot of time to left to find love. It still doesnt change the fact that with the standarts most people have theses days - im kinda f*cked. Im 21 years old , i still dont know how to approach a woman , Look without being...
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i cant wait to have my full liscense. not that im in a hurry to live home (to be honest , it kinda scares me. i wouldnt be able to live alone) simply because ill be free. free to go where i want.
Wanna go eat a burger with a pal and head up to an other friend house after? Possible. I always feel like...
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seriously. valentine days most be the most retarded day off all. not because im fucking lonely lol its origine and how people see it today is beyond ridiculous.
did you know it was about celebrating fertility before? where a priest would sacrafice a goat , cut its skin- run around half naked...
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this is litteraly all the thoughts (or so) that goes throught my head EVERY SINGLE DAY.
this man is awesome + i love the ending...dat humouristic punch ahah. leaving the video/monologe on a good/funny note.
am i the only simply getting down every single time i see a couple all cuddly and happy together? a "cute" little post on facebook? or simply people having a great relationship and...
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i thought i did something wrond so i stopped to not spam her with calls and all.
and - out of nowhere. she tells me she back with her ex.
i was frustrated and mad at first. but i knew right from the beginning to not get my hopes high so the sadness and anger went away quicker. if she happy with him - cool
but why? why not tell me? if she simply decided to go back with him like that - she had to be seeing him in the same period of time I was seeing her...yet she told me all these nice things.
its to a point that i feel like or there is something incredibly wrong with me and im somewhat not aware - or - women are secretly ploting against me to make me suffer (lol overkill)
anyways. ill stay in the quote on quote friendzone. im not good with women by the look of it so ill stick with being a good friend. + i could sell my life to make the sequel to 40 years old and still a virgin