I want to write again. I’d like to tell you what’s been on my mind. I will. Sometimes when my mind is overwhelmed to respond or express my thoughts.
How have you babes been? How was your holiday season? That tension is almost over. We still have Valentine’s excitements.
Snow, it’s only snowed once if I can recall this season… then rain came along and cleaned it up. The weather makes me weary, does that mean summer is going to be tough? I would enjoy steady seasons, slowly rolling over one another.
Autumn, my favorite season, which state has the best views for Fall? I want to plan a trip to watch the season evolve. Smell the change in the air.Admire the leaves without city sounds. I want to see the leaves change or enjoy the crisp sound of stepping on dried leaves.
Has the new year been treating you well? Do you need me to scold it, cause I will.
I hope your loved and unloved ones are well.