Dear journal,
So I went on quasi-Date number 2 Last Night....It went really good... We went to dinner...after that we took a walk and then got some coffee....after we left the coffee shop ..we went back to his house to "Watch a movie!" I played hard to get at first....but we started to make out anyways...I think I was moving to slow for him or something...At one point I stoped cause I needed to use the bathroom...when I came back he told me He needed he took me home ..we kissed good night ...and said we would call each other ....I guess I have to wait and see!.....But today I started to talk to some new guy ...he seems really nice ....Lets see where that one goes! Even If it doesnt work out with these guys ...its nice to know theirs people out there for me..

playing hard to get is fun! but im sure u wouldnt have ne problem geting any guy u wanted!
over here we never go to get coffee on dates thats so cute!!!! have fun with ur other fella

good luck.