I fell off Molly today into a patch of thorns so now my back is all scratched and sore but never mind... At least I did not fall into the water then I would have been soaked and sore.
Thank you everyone for all your lovely feedback on Golden Afternoon I am so chuffed with how well its done so far I am quite sad that I wont get the chance to reply to all the lovely comments people have left before I go to Glastonbury tomorrow.
I can not wait for Glastonbury, getting up nice and early and then getting the train.
After that I will be going to Kenya on safari which I am getting VERY excited about.
Golden Afternoon

Thank you everyone for all your lovely feedback on Golden Afternoon I am so chuffed with how well its done so far I am quite sad that I wont get the chance to reply to all the lovely comments people have left before I go to Glastonbury tomorrow.
I can not wait for Glastonbury, getting up nice and early and then getting the train.
After that I will be going to Kenya on safari which I am getting VERY excited about.

Golden Afternoon
hope the suns out for you at glasto! i know it will be in kenya though!
safe trip and enjoy yourself, the new set is super cute btw!

Is Molly yours or a friend's you ride or something? I miss having horses so so so much! I got my horse as a christmas gift the year I turned five, and we were best friends right up until she died two years ago. Falling off BLOWS. Haha! Thankfully for me mine wasn't very big, I think technically she was pony sized even though she was a Quarter Horse, I think small and stocky is more their repertoire anyway
I fell off of her once when I was 12, my friend and I were racing down a trail and she jumped a fallen tree and it was higher than I thought and I wasn't expecting it and landed face down on the tree, had a black eye and a bloody lip and broke my arm in 2 places. After that I never fell off again haha. I hope your scratches feel better soon
I really liked your recent set, but I think I posted that in SG Hopefuls, and I don't remember if I've ever told you this or not, but I really, REALLY love your pony tattoo on your arm
I want to get a memorial of my guys who both passed away on my stomach, but I keep putting it off because I want to be more fit before I do that. Going to Kenya sounds incredible, I hope you have a blast!