I had this lady one time, she started talking to me about her life. And I quickly figured out she was fucked up on something, it may have been when she grabbed my hands and told me I had wonderful healing energy. As soon as she touched me she said she could see this great white orb coming from my hands. I love talking to people when they're fucked up. I think they realize this too because I find myself taking care of most of my wasted friends. It's fine, it's nice to take care of people. I enjoy helping people. Anyway, I ended up talking to her for five hours, driving her home, where her whole family was. I remember walking up the stairs to the apartment, thinking.. Gee, this is probably how people get sold into human trafficking. at which point the lady turned around and said, " You're so trusting. I could be part of a human trafficking ring." it's really weird sometimes in life where people read your mind. Maybe I think too loud. I feel like I can tell if someone is being dodgy. Maybe not all the time but luckily this time. We get up to the apartment and the whole family is there, she wants to take pictures to remember. Oh, i forgot it's Halloween so her brother in law and sister are dressed up as pirates. We take pictures and finally, the sister drives me home. It was an odd encounter. One that I think about occasionally and still can't understand it. Truly, the things this woman shared with me, it was as if she was just dumping her soul out. If I believed in souls. I would have to say, as many crazy people I have met in my life, I think this one should be committed.
The reason I'm telling you this is because I saw this woman had an ad on Groupon for yoga. It completely freaks me out.