I need bilingual penpals!!!! I wanna learn new languages.
I think thats the best way for me to learn.
I want to do this yoga teacher certification course. it's 1700, which doesnt seem like a alot but it is when you have no monies!!! But with the cert, i can teach so then ill make more. i wish money didnt exist. that would be awesome!
then shit i wanted i could do manual labor or a craft in exchange.. oh i know...like... a barter system(tada). i also wish we still lived in huts and were covered in mud most of the time.. >.<
lately, its been hard to get ahold of reality. i feel so disconnected. and it doesnt feel bad for me but i'm definitely losing alot of friends, just because i can't focus.
i was looking at this Website. I was actually looking at yoga studios in Houston and YogaOne is having Ellen Heed speak, she's a sexological bodyworker..
Which brought me to the first webpage. and then i found a DVD called Soft Cock, which was intiguing and so i looked up "soft cock" and Annie Spinkles has this hilarious clip on youtube:
I love that she's a metamorphasexual, which I haven't been able to find a clear definition of what that is. I mean, aside, from when Annie explains it as
And I almost feel like it's .. kinda.. of vague.. anyone else get that?
That said:
Breathing is Far out!
haha ok thats all.
Hope everyone gets some paint this weekend!!1
Beeter luck with the yoga thingy!