The other morning (on the way to work, at some ridiculous hour) I happened across a scathing review of the soundtrack to the recently released "Where the Wild Things Are" film. Despite the earliness of the day I was awake enough to enjoy, and then proceed to rip out the review for your reading pleasure.
In all fairness (which life ain't) I've neither seen the film nor heard the soundtrack myself. So this is an unbiased reproduction of a biased review eh.
Karen O and The Kids
Where the Wild Things Are soundtrack
Children are forces of nature who
destroy everything in their path,
then smile at you beatifically. It's
not their fault; they're just being
themselves. Yeah Yeah Yeahs singer
Karen O was probably trying to
capture childlike innocence when
writing and recording the 14 tracks
of sun-dappled guitar strumming
that make up the soundtrack to
Where the Wild Things Are. What
she ended up with is another of
the idealized and profoundly fake
visions of childhood that have been
giving emotional cripples like her an
excuse to peddle their twinkling sac-
charine awfulness to middle-school
choir directors, and more recently,
to indie directors, and more recently,
to indie singer-songwriters, for
decades. The only thing that would
restore the balance of glee and wanton
destruction inherent in actual
kids' behaviour would be if footage
emerges from the recording session
of the kids in the choir taking turns
vomiting in Karen O's purse, or just
kicking her in the box. Well, it might
not redeem this piece of shit, but I
know I'd feel better. DM