So, I'm overwheight, but luckily that is the only issue I have with my health now. About a year ago I finally got myself a doctor and had a few minor health issues that were actually caused by my weight. Those are taken care of. But I just had no drive to even want to try and loose weight.
But then this year slowly and surely i could feel myself edging closer to wanting to. But it was a slow process..
the last few months I could tell i was right at the edge. Just needed that one little push to make me start actively doing something.
Then this last tuesday I woke up with a drive to actually go for a walk... I never want to walk but I wanted to that day. So I did. Nothing long, no great distance but on my break at work I went for a walk. Then again today I did on my lunch.. I didn't yesterday but then again I was also helping move furniture for my family so...
It's not great but it's a start, and it's a start I'm glad to take. now I just need to keep it up.