ok so it's been way to long since I've been here. Part of that was my fault. Part was just life.
Lots of changes since then. I've moved, gotten a new roommate, got a few raises at work. Life is good overall
Still single, honestly need some female friends in my life and not just the relationship kind. I honestly think I enjoy having female friends more then male friends. Though I do have a coworker who is kinda becoming my friend. We have some similar tastes in tv and movies and compared to most of my coworkers we are close to each other in age.
As for my old roommate, she moved as well and honestly I miss her more then I thought. Her personality and everything. It was weird I saw her naked all the time. It wasn't a sexual thing. Far from it but it was still nice both of us actually being that open with each other.
My new roommate is a guy and the whole vibe is just different I can honestly say I'm not sure I like it but hey the bills get paid.