Nave wants to do me in the butt with a glow-in-the-dark strap on while eating pixie stix, Inannamute keeps talking about being horny with me and spiking my Dr. Pepper, PhrougBhouy and Kira trying incessantly to get me drunk,
and CrawlingChaos confesses his steamy hott love for me. The only innocents in the area last night were Affinity, whom I think was sleeping, and Eireann because she left freakin' 15 minutes after I got there!
What does all this mean? And where were the rest of you who should have been there to try to corrupt me and fuck with me, only to find out I've already been fucked with and corrupted?
And who else is going to see Depeche Mode?!
Edit: Forgot to add this. I'm thinking about getting this inked on me. Anyone recognize it and know where it goes?

Nave wants to do me in the butt with a glow-in-the-dark strap on while eating pixie stix, Inannamute keeps talking about being horny with me and spiking my Dr. Pepper, PhrougBhouy and Kira trying incessantly to get me drunk,
and CrawlingChaos confesses his steamy hott love for me. The only innocents in the area last night were Affinity, whom I think was sleeping, and Eireann because she left freakin' 15 minutes after I got there!

What does all this mean? And where were the rest of you who should have been there to try to corrupt me and fuck with me, only to find out I've already been fucked with and corrupted?

And who else is going to see Depeche Mode?!

Edit: Forgot to add this. I'm thinking about getting this inked on me. Anyone recognize it and know where it goes?

hey, i meant to ask, about the workout. maybe negatives for your chest...but like you said, you would need a spot. or rest-pause techniques??
ya I became legal here a couple years ago so drinking is just drinking now nothing major about it