Alright, new entry.
Film Review: Collateral
Dir: Michael Mann
Starring: Tom Cruise, Jamie Foxx, Jada Pinkett Smith
Rating: 3 1/2 pigs

(that's good...also you can't do 1/2 a pig...)
For anyone who has been as depressed as I have been over the past summer of crappy movies, good news in store.
As a resident film buff, I'm going to have to recommend Collateral. The director, Michael Mann once again proves his worth. (C'mon people, he directed Heat...Pacino...DeNiro...street cred alone should drive you to the theatre.) He tells the story very well, and what could be an otherwise "by the book" kidnapping thriller takes on elements of suspense and surprising depth thanks to Mann's steady eye, well garnished jump cuts, and surprising depth. In a film that takes place mainly in the car around LA, even the environment takes on its own character.
The writing was also very comparable. As a struggling writer myself, one of the telltale signs of bad writing is being "aware" of the dialogue in a film. THe best writing shows no seams. The only time I was taken out of the film for a moment, put back into my own head, were the few anecdotes throughout the film that lent an ironic tone later on (a sign of really solid writing)
Now, on to the actors, mainly Tom and Jaime Fox. I often forget how much I like Tom Cruise, possibly because its so easy to dislike what every woman in the world swoons over. I've also been thrown off ever since he declared that he needed braces, because until the announcement, I never realized that his smile is way off center (there's seriously a tooth in the middle of his head). This was the first film, including Last Samaraui, that made me completely ignore that. (Petty I know). As an actor, I've always found him charming, very down to earth. But this role was a new take for him. He's always played either the relenting or unwitting hero. The guy in desperate times trying to clear his name (Harrison Ford for Generation Y folks). In this film, he plays his first unrelenting villian, and the role was well chosen. Even that uneven smile finds perfect fit (in the sparing moments he does smily). He's provocative, and as is true with the best cereal killers, you don't mind that he's offing folks across LA because damnit if he isn't sincere. Plus, he gets to kick ass and do his action thing (which we know he loves) without removing his shirt. Finally a fully clothed Tom Cruise movie.
As for Jamie Foxx. I'd see it for him alone. Comedian by day, phenominal serious actor by night. This man is a find. He handles his role with grace and a quiet dignity that many folks overshoot. This is the kind of acting you see William H Macy opt for, downplaying the character himself and pulling out the aces when the time is right. When he does crack, or is driven to extremes it allows for a dynamic between the two personalities that creates an instant and lasting chemistry. Not many people can outshine Tom Cruise, and while he had his moments, Foxx was on par.
So, long review longer. Go see Collateral, it will definiately make up for the months of tired superheroes and sordid box office would be/could be/"how much can we blow up in 2 hours?" nonsense. You'll thank me...
Film Review: Collateral
Dir: Michael Mann
Starring: Tom Cruise, Jamie Foxx, Jada Pinkett Smith
Rating: 3 1/2 pigs

For anyone who has been as depressed as I have been over the past summer of crappy movies, good news in store.
As a resident film buff, I'm going to have to recommend Collateral. The director, Michael Mann once again proves his worth. (C'mon people, he directed Heat...Pacino...DeNiro...street cred alone should drive you to the theatre.) He tells the story very well, and what could be an otherwise "by the book" kidnapping thriller takes on elements of suspense and surprising depth thanks to Mann's steady eye, well garnished jump cuts, and surprising depth. In a film that takes place mainly in the car around LA, even the environment takes on its own character.
The writing was also very comparable. As a struggling writer myself, one of the telltale signs of bad writing is being "aware" of the dialogue in a film. THe best writing shows no seams. The only time I was taken out of the film for a moment, put back into my own head, were the few anecdotes throughout the film that lent an ironic tone later on (a sign of really solid writing)
Now, on to the actors, mainly Tom and Jaime Fox. I often forget how much I like Tom Cruise, possibly because its so easy to dislike what every woman in the world swoons over. I've also been thrown off ever since he declared that he needed braces, because until the announcement, I never realized that his smile is way off center (there's seriously a tooth in the middle of his head). This was the first film, including Last Samaraui, that made me completely ignore that. (Petty I know). As an actor, I've always found him charming, very down to earth. But this role was a new take for him. He's always played either the relenting or unwitting hero. The guy in desperate times trying to clear his name (Harrison Ford for Generation Y folks). In this film, he plays his first unrelenting villian, and the role was well chosen. Even that uneven smile finds perfect fit (in the sparing moments he does smily). He's provocative, and as is true with the best cereal killers, you don't mind that he's offing folks across LA because damnit if he isn't sincere. Plus, he gets to kick ass and do his action thing (which we know he loves) without removing his shirt. Finally a fully clothed Tom Cruise movie.
As for Jamie Foxx. I'd see it for him alone. Comedian by day, phenominal serious actor by night. This man is a find. He handles his role with grace and a quiet dignity that many folks overshoot. This is the kind of acting you see William H Macy opt for, downplaying the character himself and pulling out the aces when the time is right. When he does crack, or is driven to extremes it allows for a dynamic between the two personalities that creates an instant and lasting chemistry. Not many people can outshine Tom Cruise, and while he had his moments, Foxx was on par.
So, long review longer. Go see Collateral, it will definiately make up for the months of tired superheroes and sordid box office would be/could be/"how much can we blow up in 2 hours?" nonsense. You'll thank me...
But I did also like Jacquin Phoenix as well as Brody's charecter.
your profile pic makes me swoon.
i need to leave this page now.