Lovely homework cause I spent entire month in one game. I`m not a true geek gamer girl. I`m a bad support in DOTA 2 I did ONLY main storyline in Skyrim) I bought a couple of horror games but too scared to play by myself)))
But last month I`m all in Genshin Impact. It`s very interesting game with quests, hidden treasures, very simple gameplay and bright interesting characters. Something between MMO, Zelda and Anime) MMM LOVE IT
There is very friendly atmosphere inside. Nobody wants to steal something etc. Main storyline is still ongoing cause the game is pretty new (less than 1 year) But it is full of quests, bosses and tasks from NPC.
There are literally a lot of easter eggs from history, other games an even art ( U can help Vermeer find his Paints an Paintbrushes), true botanical facts. U learn recipes to cook food and there are already lots of bloggers who tried to cook it in real life! Looks very tasty YUM
There are already lots of memes and jokes about this game)
Also there is Just Dance always in my heart. Especially now, when my dancing studio is closed, i can keep myself in good shape and have a lot of fun listening lovely tracks. BTW people who was on my Live streams know that I love to make sporty dancing lives)
BTW if u R About theese games U can text me and we can play together.
Join me on platforms:
Steam: (for DOTA 2, Dead by Daylight, Portal 2 etc)
Nintendo switch: (Just Dance 2021, more games soon)
Genshin Impact ID: