HI HI SG land!)
Sooo how is your 2021?Cause I`m already tired) NEXT ONE, PLEASE :D
I was tagged by @nickstone , thank U for that :**
♥️Pick one, a comedy movie or a horror movie?
Definitely horror <3
♥️Pick one, cats or dogs?
Dogs. Even my cat acts like dog AHAHAH
Miss my Marko :(
♥️Pick one, chatting or phone call?
Only chatting. I can`t stand my voice) and hold phone for a long time near ear)
♥️Pick one, cheat or be cheated on?
I`m 100% against cheating... But I was hurted by exes so much times SO I would choose CHEAT cause I don`t want to suffer anymore)
♥️Pick one, chicken or beef?
Chicken..... Beef makes my stomach feel uncomfortable and hard to take it away from teeth)
♥️Pick one, Coke or Pepsi?
Coke) Actually I don`t care at all
♥️Pick one, exceptional strength or intelligence
♥️Pick one, forgiveness or vengeance?
I can forgive lot but i remember everything)
♥️Pick one, free health care or free education?
Health care. I`m that person who will avoid treatment till the red line) when everything is very bad and sad.
♥️Pick one, Halloween or Valentine’s Day
Halloween) U don`t need somebody to celebrate with.
♥️Pick one, IOS or Android?
I like to eat, eat, eat APPLES and bananas
According to situation) mostly to kill
♥️Pick one, meat or fish?
Meat. I don`t like remove small bones
♥️Pick one, monopoly or chess?
Monopoly) I get mad too fast to play chess)
♥️Pick one, Nike or Adidas?
♥️Pick one, stripes or Polka dot?
WHAT? need to google it /searching/
Ready to answer- Polka dots) pastel not agressive colors. As soon as I got so much tattoos and my body is already "printed" I prefer plain clothes without such prints.
♥️Pick one, summer or winter ?
Summer to wear as less as possible and show all my tattoos))
♥️Pick one, vanilla or chocolate?
♥️Pick one, sweet or salty?
Sweets and no other ways :D
Let`s se what interesting we`ll get to know bout U, girls & boys @lecherylady @ksew @neffey @nevergoodbye @lucyamy @your_idiot_lover