Hi Lurkers,
So I moved to LA, I opened a private studio, Manifest Studio, I have been tattooing a lot, and skating downtown everyday., and making my wife coffee.
Heres some of my new work:

Everything in this tattoo is inspired from Salvador Dali.

This is on Zerokewl, he is awesome! Make sure to give him a blowjob when you see him next.

This is on Annie, she used to be an SG, but now she just kills it at tattooing, www.anniemess.com, go look now.

Virus let me freehand a dead baby fetus on his foot, took 2 hours.

This is on gogo, she has been visiting the states and asked me do something really nasty and infected on her, she is gradually becoming her true zombie self. She is definitely one of the more interesting people I have met.

This is my new studio, I fucking love it, its on the 2nd floor, in a loft in downtown LA, private building, sterile and relaxing. Dont try and find me here, im hiding, ahahahaha.

Fancy art fag logo.

I just finished this on Jeff, he already had the bars at the bottom and the crow thing at the top so I blended a bunch of stuff together making it a 3/4 sleeve. woohoo!
My wife lady fractalbotasaurus tattooed me again, so did rigel, and so did gogo, I may look smart, believe me im not.
My wife and I are the honorary members of the gogo zombie army.


Not bad for GoGo never tattooing in her life.
I have bought a lot of shoes lately, shoes are awesome!!
So I hope you enjoyed my gay little journal thingamabob, im kinda over this site lately with all the changes, just keep it the same its hard for us non computer smart people to operate....
Also I will be working at:
Hell City Tattoo Fest '07
August 24 -26 2007
Pheonix AZ
So message me to get tattooed there, I have a little time left.
Ok bye
So I moved to LA, I opened a private studio, Manifest Studio, I have been tattooing a lot, and skating downtown everyday., and making my wife coffee.
Heres some of my new work:

Everything in this tattoo is inspired from Salvador Dali.

This is on Zerokewl, he is awesome! Make sure to give him a blowjob when you see him next.

This is on Annie, she used to be an SG, but now she just kills it at tattooing, www.anniemess.com, go look now.

Virus let me freehand a dead baby fetus on his foot, took 2 hours.

This is on gogo, she has been visiting the states and asked me do something really nasty and infected on her, she is gradually becoming her true zombie self. She is definitely one of the more interesting people I have met.

This is my new studio, I fucking love it, its on the 2nd floor, in a loft in downtown LA, private building, sterile and relaxing. Dont try and find me here, im hiding, ahahahaha.

Fancy art fag logo.

I just finished this on Jeff, he already had the bars at the bottom and the crow thing at the top so I blended a bunch of stuff together making it a 3/4 sleeve. woohoo!

My wife lady fractalbotasaurus tattooed me again, so did rigel, and so did gogo, I may look smart, believe me im not.
My wife and I are the honorary members of the gogo zombie army.


Not bad for GoGo never tattooing in her life.
I have bought a lot of shoes lately, shoes are awesome!!
So I hope you enjoyed my gay little journal thingamabob, im kinda over this site lately with all the changes, just keep it the same its hard for us non computer smart people to operate....
Also I will be working at:
Hell City Tattoo Fest '07
August 24 -26 2007
Pheonix AZ
So message me to get tattooed there, I have a little time left.
Ok bye
whats up with the tablet?? you get that shit yet??
take care man. i should be in hell city too. ill look for ya.