Woo Hoo!!!
I love how a loan I paid off over five years ago has reanimated and clawed back from its grave thanks to bureaucratic voodoo. Anyone else keep getting mail addressed to someone who has never lived at your location? Well apparently the University of North Texas has been sending me overdue notices for over five years to my old Missouri address except they've been sending them to Maine. So after some sleuthing (sp?) and repeatedly giving out my new address and phone number to University departments and collection agencies I arrived at a person that said she could clear all this up for just $78.95.
-But I already paid that a long long time ago.
So now I'm waiting to hear back as one agency contacts another agency and so on until they realize that someone indeed forgot to file some crucial scrap of paper that could have prevented $0.0333 from growing like bowel cancer in a creditor's ass.
do you head down to SF very often? i loved it down there. i'm gonna head back as soon as i can. such a good trip, still stoked.
dude, your loan shit is fucking hilarious. i love bureaucracies...always tripping over their own feet. good luck not paying the 78.95!