<<You get to love all the kindness around england, since I moved here I've heard a "thank you very much" and "sorry" like thousands times. I've been living like a rat jumpin all the obstacles I found on my way an finally it seems to be worth it, because at some point all those bastards using a "thank you very much", "lovely" or "sorry" hidding themselves to mess up your life pretending to be polite will get back a nice, soft, "Fuck you very much" and today is the day to say that while chillin' with a cuppa. Swearing is not bad, is just a way to express rather anger or whatever you feel in that moment so... "FUCK YOU VERY MUCH">>
Wrote that today on my facebook wall, just got in the first "total relax" day. Just laying down (IN A LONG LONG WHILE! FINALLY :D) thinking to myself all the struggle than I've been into because of some people I met on the way, doing other's people life more diffiult with no reason and I got to think "FUCK THEM" two words in which after all I can easily summaraize a lot of different feelings about the whole situation.
But hey, I'm defo starting a "normal" life-style now, got more time to carry on learning how to tattoo, to explore, to run in the parks and basically enjoy a bit of free time knowing I'll have somewhere to stay at night. I'm enjoying doing things as shooting my friends just for fun
Go for long walks and cook more stuff but even to see my friends, specially this month is gonna be awesome. I got invited to @totem's wedding. I'm so pleased I got invited to share with her such an special day, I'd never imagine that Suicide Girls could bring so many awesome people to my life, not gonna write about all of them because it'd be quite long but if they're reading this all they know who they are and all of them know what I tell them every time a talk to them so... I'M REALLY GLAD I MET YOU GUYS <3.
I don't know for how long everything is going to last as it is now but what I know is that I'll try to write way more often and luckily sending my new set in a couple of weeks. It's been a long time since I don't post a set and wanted it to be a good one after all the experiences and stuff have happened till now, so I shot it when I went to Barcelona, can't wait for you all to see it, is kinda special for me as simple it could look throught your point of view hahaha
Over and out SG troopers!