I've been a long time without time enough for a blog but heya guys! :D I managed to write one just before I get to work, even writing from my phone but well, it's better than nothing.
I saw this SG homework theme suggested by @rambo and missy and reading all the amazing talents from every single girl made me think about which one is my hidden talent then I just found out that I have a natural talent to get into the weirdest adventures and situations.
The last one has been to move to London with no money and just my handbag because I got the chance to start a tattoo artist apprenticeship and got a shitty but nice work in Camden town.
Of course there's a lot of things I can't write at the moment but I will once they passed away, crazy stuff, once again there goes my awesome talent to get in troubles and weird movie situations.
But the good part of being back is that I got to meet with my ladies @totem @babit and @lucerne <3 too much sexiness at once.
Here you can see how the team is back:

whatever, I don't know how I'm gonna get this situation better but we'll see!
Hope you all have a lovely day guys!
Actually, I don't even know if this quality is a talent but I'd say so cause not everyone is able to get into it with normality hahaha.