Hey there guys! I'm back writing this blog in my day off from work. I know I'm kinda busy but always planning to be online here and planning more sets!
So... the topic for this week that @Rambo and @missy gave us is: if you had the chance of having a super power what would it be and why? I've been reading a lot of really interesting blogs about this one! and I have to say that we could all have a SG super women army with all those incredibly cool powers, some ladies are just so incredible themselves, can you imagine them with superpowers?
I think mine would be the power of inmortality, as I'm a bit crazy in the sense of trying everything I would be happy to just just do anything I want knowing that I won't die and I can pass that quality to my beloved ones. Like going into the really deep amazonas jungle and getting close to wild animals to observe them better knowing that if they try to kill me I won't die, or jumping from a really high waterfall knowing that I'll survive, and a long etc of things i would do using that power, maybe even stopping some stupid war using that, why not? I'd be like "yep, keep on shooting, I don't mind". Whatever, that's it about the super power.
As I said we have a lot of suuuuuuuuper babes on here and with real super powers or without them they still being awesome, so just for you to know a bit about some wonderful ladies here:
My red little one @lucerne will have an amazing set on MR in exactly 1 WEEK! yay! it was shot by @lavezzaro
I know, everyone will wait for this set, don't we? ;)
Then we have the lovely @yuxi turning 20 years today! so go and say happy birthday to this babe and give her more love!
as far as I know she still have some set on MR with @einnis which is another "must see" set :) you can check it HERE!
Last but not least if you are based in Spain or willing to travel there for a big party, the SG community in Spain has been organizing one in Barcelona where we are expecting you all to assist! ;) with spanish babes as @saria @euforia @sheer @eclipse and more!
Why don't you come over and join all the fun? ;)
I don't know if I'll be able to assist to the party but I totally recommend it, they have such a good plan and a lot of surprises for you all :) I might be travelling around the world (hopefully) once again, this time I won't stop jumping from one country to another. I know there's people from SG everywhere so if you are a SG, hopeful, alien, member or whatever you call yourself and you are up for a meeting just drop me a message so we can arrange something! This might be confirmed on the 18th this month, someone please kick my ass out of this country so I can go and fall in love with some advetures and the rest of this world! If at the end I don't manage to travel I'll be sure at the SG party joining everybody else!
At the moment that's all guys! hope you're having such a great summer time xoxo