Woke up really early I was supposed to go to Bath today but due to the fact some people is simply "brain-empty" we found early in the morning that it was impossible to get there today, well, such a big deal, we'll go another day. Then what to do? drama around the house, boredom everywhere so at the end we just spent the day playing videogames, listening to Die Antwoord loud as hell and dancing around the house like there's not tomorrow. So... from girly to freeky:
And well, the plan for tonight is basically going to one of my friend's concert, getting drunk as hell probably because the people on that place just gives me drinks whenever they see me, DUNNO WHY. And looking at the stars in the backyard garden until I feel sleepy (If I manage to read hahaha)
Then on the 6th of June I'll be around Bristol probably until the 7th so if somebody is around just drop me a message aaaaaand well then having my performance and going to finally visit my "petite redhead" lady @Lucerne and have some improvised adventures and a lot of fun!
THINGS TO CHECK! don't close the blog yet:
-Check @amethyst_ 's set now in MR shot by the awesome @chocolat (two awesome ladies working together... even better results! give some love) Click here to see it!
-Then to really check my stuff just don't be shy to check out and comment my instagram acc! HERE
-IF YOU'RE FROM THE UK we are organizing an open day event at my workplace so check it out and if you have any question let me know on a message, everyone is welcome over there!
Also... Preparing to record more videos but I still need a few suggestions, anyone? ;)
Whatever you're doing today just enjoy it! have fun and keep in contact! thanks for reading lovely people! xx