Okey, guys. I’m crying like I don’t use to, just watched this movie called “Girlfriend” check out the link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7STrf72THdA and the thing is… is boring to see love movies about the bad guy and the perfect barbie, or the perfect guy with the weird girl and that kind of shit, but what about this kind of movies? they’re real. This kind of stories really exist but we don’t use to think about them, is sad and difficult, but they have feelings as well. I’m not that kind of girls that use to cry but this one really touched my heart. So if you have time check it out.
Now to end this blog a little summary of my day, don't wanna put too much anyway.
yep, working in the gardens the whole day and then going to run throught the forest, such a nice day but quite tired after all that stuff, so I bet I deserve to have a rest for a long while, check some movies and walk around Gloucester tomorrow to do some shopping, hope your day was fine as well <3