So it seems that I'm getting my money's worth, and the site lets you maintain your account through the time paid.
In the immortal words of my boyfriend, just last night, "I might as well get my money's worth of spank material while I can..."
I should be standing up against the practices of said company, my gut tells me so. However, mere inches below said gut takes over and clouds my brain with kid-like turrets shouts of joyful glee when I see a nice rack on here. No, I'm not saying I have a wiener. Really. Just a strong enjoyment of naked people; however, I dislike so much that I'm being lead around by my wallet to see what I could be seeing for free, if I just had the right friends. ;P
I'm turning into such a grandma in my old age.
Recently had my first strip club experiences, with my boyfriend. (He too popped his strip club cherry that night.) The place was awesome, called Union Jack's in Portland. (We also hit up Mary's, but a particular dancer there kind of soured us on strippers. For 5 minutes. Hee hee.) Anyway. Am I seriously the only person out there with a minor letdown after the first strip club experience? I hated the corporate aspect. I felt weird for buying something that I revere so much, you know? Sex is seriously one of, if not the, most awesome enjoyments being alive has to offer. Capitalizing off of it apparently makes my tummy turn. I was so torn the night we were there, between what I feel is right within me, and what my libido was pumping through my veins. At one point, afterward, my old man exasperatedly said to me, "Can't you just enjoy it like a normal person?". He's right, I really shouldn't feel that way. I'm too hard on myself or something. I look at the entirety of my friends and think, Why can't I be like them? Why can't I just turn off that button that wants to connect with people, and enjoy the ass in my face for exactly what it is and just that: an ass in my face.
So, in a nutshell. I guess I'm gonna be here off and on until the membership runs out. The 'eyes' won ;P
Ok, that was bad, even for me.
So it seems that I'm getting my money's worth, and the site lets you maintain your account through the time paid.
In the immortal words of my boyfriend, just last night, "I might as well get my money's worth of spank material while I can..."
I should be standing up against the practices of said company, my gut tells me so. However, mere inches below said gut takes over and clouds my brain with kid-like turrets shouts of joyful glee when I see a nice rack on here. No, I'm not saying I have a wiener. Really. Just a strong enjoyment of naked people; however, I dislike so much that I'm being lead around by my wallet to see what I could be seeing for free, if I just had the right friends. ;P
I'm turning into such a grandma in my old age.
Recently had my first strip club experiences, with my boyfriend. (He too popped his strip club cherry that night.) The place was awesome, called Union Jack's in Portland. (We also hit up Mary's, but a particular dancer there kind of soured us on strippers. For 5 minutes. Hee hee.) Anyway. Am I seriously the only person out there with a minor letdown after the first strip club experience? I hated the corporate aspect. I felt weird for buying something that I revere so much, you know? Sex is seriously one of, if not the, most awesome enjoyments being alive has to offer. Capitalizing off of it apparently makes my tummy turn. I was so torn the night we were there, between what I feel is right within me, and what my libido was pumping through my veins. At one point, afterward, my old man exasperatedly said to me, "Can't you just enjoy it like a normal person?". He's right, I really shouldn't feel that way. I'm too hard on myself or something. I look at the entirety of my friends and think, Why can't I be like them? Why can't I just turn off that button that wants to connect with people, and enjoy the ass in my face for exactly what it is and just that: an ass in my face.
So, in a nutshell. I guess I'm gonna be here off and on until the membership runs out. The 'eyes' won ;P

thx for your frindship my sweety i'm very very glad today becouse i have a new marvellous friend ...you !!! i love your style....you are great and gorgeus...have a nice weekend...i send a ig big kiss for you !!!

thanks 4 the add...and btw i would never take my gf to a strip club...and old age?? u still look young and goddamn fine 2 me!