Talk about a frustrating start to the day.
So, Brian Regan was pretty good last night. The seating was awful -- it was so crowded on the floor, that I had to either have my arm over Darry' shoulders, or his over mine, so the right side of my body wasn't sitting in the other guy's lap! It was so warm, so much body heat! They do *not* need heaters there. The seats were so narrow, that when I breathed in deeply a couple times, I pinched a nerve in my back, twice, so today my back is already fugged up. Gawdammit.
It was outside, in the mountains. So beautiful, a winery in the mountains, and what with the wind of the past couple days, the sky was SO clear. So amazingly beautiful.
I've been planning a surprise/sexy night for my baby in my head for a couple weeks, and tonight is the night, unless we end up gaming/D&Ding all night. It really depends on how tired he is. We've had to shuffle it around the past couple weeks, and well, that just sucks! But I guess that's a part of life, adapting and going with the flow.
Speaking of flowing.
How many of you feel... floaty? Like life is happening around you, without asking you what you think or feel? Or as if maybe your actions don't feel as if they are your own, like you are on auto-pilot, watching yourself from outside?
To that I say this:
Take in that experience, learn form it, and move onward. Lingering on anything is just badbadbad.
What can you learn from that, you say? Well, for one thing, is that how you want your life to be lived? No.
People have the power to change their own brain chemistry. No pill or medication has the same power over yourself that *you* do.
Be proactive.
A little work now, saves a lot of hassle later. That can be applied to absolutely everything in life, and be extremely beneficial.
Ground yourself.
Get the fuck back into your body!
When we are properly grounded, we are in control. And that is when good things happen, BECAUSE grounded people MAKE things happen, and have the consciousness to say NO to bad things they do NOT want to happen. 
I personally visualize a little movie in my head when I'm feeling a little too floaty.
Be spontaneous.
Tis the spice of life. Push yourself to do new things, try new food, meet new people. Don't plan everything out! In Washington state, my stepmom used to say, "If we waited for good weather, we'd never go outside." Apply that to yourself--If you keep waiting for perfection, you're just gonna be stuck inside on a lot of fun days ^_^
Own it.
You. Own YOU. Own your successes and failures. Own them hard.
If you don't learn from your failures, you are destined to repeat them over. And over. And over.
Pointing fingers is no way to self-improve.
Own your successes.
You made them happen, you deserve credit from yourself, more than from anyone else, for doing so.
Don't live in fear.
Fear of growth, change; that's for sissies.
Practice selfless acts.
Ok, haha. Cheesey. Yes. Sounds like a bumper sticker? Perhaps
Do one selfless act a day, and you will reap the positive rewards that your body will replenish you with. There is actual data on how the body changes after doing something so positive. Body language/posture changes, facial expression changes, tone of voice drastically changes. Really quite amazing. 
Live a life void of regret; full of honor.
Simple - do not live a life that will lead you to have regrets later. Weigh your options soundly and smartly when they come up. My father used to say to me as a child, that maturity is simply making the right decision. There is honor in that, no?
Speak up.
If there is something unjust, bring it to light. If there is something beautiful, bring it to light. So many people live in blissful, self perpetuated ignorance. Denying that there is both beauty and impurity in the world is ignorance, and refusing to act on either is just sad. Explore both sides, be heard. Never go down without a fight, or at least without being heard.
This is all in the same vein as my post yesterday, about my mother. She cultivated these in me, my whole life. Sadly... They were never truly grown or harvested I guess, until after her death. It's amazing what you learn from someone from beyond the grave, or simply when they are just gone from your life.
She still rocks my soul on a daily basis.
I think she knew. She knew me.
She knew how sensitive I was as a child.
She knew I abhorred and feared change.
She helped me to grow a thick skin.
She helped me to require so very little from other people, but to expect so much at the same time.
Because I deserve it.
She deserved it.
She knew I was just like her.

So, Brian Regan was pretty good last night. The seating was awful -- it was so crowded on the floor, that I had to either have my arm over Darry' shoulders, or his over mine, so the right side of my body wasn't sitting in the other guy's lap! It was so warm, so much body heat! They do *not* need heaters there. The seats were so narrow, that when I breathed in deeply a couple times, I pinched a nerve in my back, twice, so today my back is already fugged up. Gawdammit.
It was outside, in the mountains. So beautiful, a winery in the mountains, and what with the wind of the past couple days, the sky was SO clear. So amazingly beautiful.
I've been planning a surprise/sexy night for my baby in my head for a couple weeks, and tonight is the night, unless we end up gaming/D&Ding all night. It really depends on how tired he is. We've had to shuffle it around the past couple weeks, and well, that just sucks! But I guess that's a part of life, adapting and going with the flow.
Speaking of flowing.
How many of you feel... floaty? Like life is happening around you, without asking you what you think or feel? Or as if maybe your actions don't feel as if they are your own, like you are on auto-pilot, watching yourself from outside?
To that I say this:
Take in that experience, learn form it, and move onward. Lingering on anything is just badbadbad.
What can you learn from that, you say? Well, for one thing, is that how you want your life to be lived? No.
People have the power to change their own brain chemistry. No pill or medication has the same power over yourself that *you* do.
Be proactive.
A little work now, saves a lot of hassle later. That can be applied to absolutely everything in life, and be extremely beneficial.

Ground yourself.
Get the fuck back into your body!

I personally visualize a little movie in my head when I'm feeling a little too floaty.

Be spontaneous.
Tis the spice of life. Push yourself to do new things, try new food, meet new people. Don't plan everything out! In Washington state, my stepmom used to say, "If we waited for good weather, we'd never go outside." Apply that to yourself--If you keep waiting for perfection, you're just gonna be stuck inside on a lot of fun days ^_^
Own it.
You. Own YOU. Own your successes and failures. Own them hard.
If you don't learn from your failures, you are destined to repeat them over. And over. And over.
Pointing fingers is no way to self-improve.
Own your successes.
You made them happen, you deserve credit from yourself, more than from anyone else, for doing so.
Don't live in fear.
Fear of growth, change; that's for sissies.
Practice selfless acts.
Ok, haha. Cheesey. Yes. Sounds like a bumper sticker? Perhaps

Live a life void of regret; full of honor.
Simple - do not live a life that will lead you to have regrets later. Weigh your options soundly and smartly when they come up. My father used to say to me as a child, that maturity is simply making the right decision. There is honor in that, no?

Speak up.
If there is something unjust, bring it to light. If there is something beautiful, bring it to light. So many people live in blissful, self perpetuated ignorance. Denying that there is both beauty and impurity in the world is ignorance, and refusing to act on either is just sad. Explore both sides, be heard. Never go down without a fight, or at least without being heard.
This is all in the same vein as my post yesterday, about my mother. She cultivated these in me, my whole life. Sadly... They were never truly grown or harvested I guess, until after her death. It's amazing what you learn from someone from beyond the grave, or simply when they are just gone from your life.
She still rocks my soul on a daily basis.

I think she knew. She knew me.
She knew how sensitive I was as a child.
She knew I abhorred and feared change.
She helped me to grow a thick skin.
She helped me to require so very little from other people, but to expect so much at the same time.
Because I deserve it.
She deserved it.
She knew I was just like her.
Oh and it was great meeting you the other night. I had a lot of fun and Phoenixgirl did too. We'll definatly have to do that again in the near future.
oh...yeah, the band name didn't stick. the drummer had second thoughts...