This week I resume normal life, back from the roadtrip Darry and I took last week to Washington.
I was hesitant at first, thinking that maybe Darry wouldn't feel as at home on the road as I do, but it actually went very well. He met my dad for the first time, we had a chance to get out to the country, and see Seattle as well.
What I didn't expect to happen, was just how much it increased our connection to each other, at least for me anyhow. We had a chance to let others entertain us, as we usually host/entertain our friends. Oh, and btw, Seattle has great sex mojo or something. It fucking blew my mind the night we made some of the most passionate sex I have ever had. Maybe it was the slow drizzle of the rain outside, maybe it was watching the downtown lights at night, maybe it was the twin bed we shared momentarily before sleep.
Either way, fucking unf. Wow.
It was awesome to find that sweetness in our love again, I felt like I was 15, all a giggle and whatnot whenever we were near each other. Even our sex felt more connected than it has in a long, long time. You know, you get so caught up in the "fuck now, forget foreplay, I'm a porn star" sex acts. Which I love, don't get me wrong! ;D But damn, it's so fucking hot when you have that raw, sensual, passionate love making with your partner.
In fact, it so increased my energy toward him, that I got up out of bed this morning after a night of almost no sleep, and went to the sandwich place around the corner to get him his favorite breakfast sandwich to eat this morning before his first day at a new job, while he was busy getting ready for work. I figured he was going to have a long day ahead of him, so why not get him something yummy to start his day with? Plus, after all our re-focusing on our relationship this weekend, it just really opens me up so much, and my desires to do little things like that just skyrocket. People who put their effort into me really get my efforts put back into them ;D
We actually had breakfast at the table, what a feat! ;D
I love surprising him with little things like that.
Especially after such an awesome trip!
I feel really rejuvenated right now for him, and us as a couple.
He came to me and said he wants to push our intimacy to the next step, and I really admire that a lot.
He has really stepped up to the bat in that one, and that takes strength, and essentially there is no wrong that will come of that. We've decided to increase our porn-watching time together and decrease watching it alone, taking some adventures out of our home (ie stripclubs and the like).
Before, I was uncomfortable because well, to be honest,.. I felt like while he and I are so sexually and lovingly connected, that his sexual appetite was never being met or fulfilled by me. Call me crazy, but my little heart just can't take that feeling! It hurt me so much that we had very nasty fights from time to time about it,.. but thankfully, now we are both making conscious choices to build together a stronger more powerful intimate relationship.
I really have to give him a lot of credit for the growth he's gone through in the past week. I feel like this has really opened up a lot for us, and a lot of my previous frustrations and problems overall relating to that just melting away because of his opening up to me, and putting that ahead of himself. It's been an amazing few days ;D It's like he found his love-light switch and turned it on, full blast. I feel very close to him right now because of that.
I'm sitting here, trying to concentrate on this stoopid new printer I am installing on our computers, and it's bugging the hell out of me. Thank you, Blog, for being there for me when I want to pontificate. ;D I'm off now, time to talk to this person Ive been on hold for for what seems like forever
I was hesitant at first, thinking that maybe Darry wouldn't feel as at home on the road as I do, but it actually went very well. He met my dad for the first time, we had a chance to get out to the country, and see Seattle as well.
What I didn't expect to happen, was just how much it increased our connection to each other, at least for me anyhow. We had a chance to let others entertain us, as we usually host/entertain our friends. Oh, and btw, Seattle has great sex mojo or something. It fucking blew my mind the night we made some of the most passionate sex I have ever had. Maybe it was the slow drizzle of the rain outside, maybe it was watching the downtown lights at night, maybe it was the twin bed we shared momentarily before sleep.
Either way, fucking unf. Wow.
It was awesome to find that sweetness in our love again, I felt like I was 15, all a giggle and whatnot whenever we were near each other. Even our sex felt more connected than it has in a long, long time. You know, you get so caught up in the "fuck now, forget foreplay, I'm a porn star" sex acts. Which I love, don't get me wrong! ;D But damn, it's so fucking hot when you have that raw, sensual, passionate love making with your partner.
In fact, it so increased my energy toward him, that I got up out of bed this morning after a night of almost no sleep, and went to the sandwich place around the corner to get him his favorite breakfast sandwich to eat this morning before his first day at a new job, while he was busy getting ready for work. I figured he was going to have a long day ahead of him, so why not get him something yummy to start his day with? Plus, after all our re-focusing on our relationship this weekend, it just really opens me up so much, and my desires to do little things like that just skyrocket. People who put their effort into me really get my efforts put back into them ;D

I love surprising him with little things like that.
Especially after such an awesome trip!
I feel really rejuvenated right now for him, and us as a couple.
He came to me and said he wants to push our intimacy to the next step, and I really admire that a lot.
He has really stepped up to the bat in that one, and that takes strength, and essentially there is no wrong that will come of that. We've decided to increase our porn-watching time together and decrease watching it alone, taking some adventures out of our home (ie stripclubs and the like).
Before, I was uncomfortable because well, to be honest,.. I felt like while he and I are so sexually and lovingly connected, that his sexual appetite was never being met or fulfilled by me. Call me crazy, but my little heart just can't take that feeling! It hurt me so much that we had very nasty fights from time to time about it,.. but thankfully, now we are both making conscious choices to build together a stronger more powerful intimate relationship.
I really have to give him a lot of credit for the growth he's gone through in the past week. I feel like this has really opened up a lot for us, and a lot of my previous frustrations and problems overall relating to that just melting away because of his opening up to me, and putting that ahead of himself. It's been an amazing few days ;D It's like he found his love-light switch and turned it on, full blast. I feel very close to him right now because of that.
I'm sitting here, trying to concentrate on this stoopid new printer I am installing on our computers, and it's bugging the hell out of me. Thank you, Blog, for being there for me when I want to pontificate. ;D I'm off now, time to talk to this person Ive been on hold for for what seems like forever

Just saw your set on PSW and must say well done, sexy and I liked it a lot.
Totaly loved the pictures from Washington, Love the one and your man in front of Mt St Helen.