so friday was my birthday , the big 24 ....... ( damn i'm almost a quarter of a century old !
all in all it was definately a good day
i went to work but i left a lunch time cause hey , who really wants to work on their birthday right ? my new foreman was cool with it ( got switched to a different crew last week so i got a different boss now , a 500 pound guy who calls himself " tank " ) lol this one guy showed up 2 hours late with enough mexican food to feed a small army ( or a 500 pound guy named tank ) ........ he showed up at breaktime , laid out all the food , made everyone a plate , and then said he was goin home cuz he was up all night doing blow and drinkin tequilla lol , shit was funny as hell and sure enough he went back home ! and the food was awesome , we had goat meat tacos ( sounds crazy but their really good ) , homemade guacamole , rice , beans , everything ! anywways back to the birthday deal , i came home from work and my mom had put some balloons in my room , lol and one of the balloons had a little skeleton on it holding a cake i thought it was pretty funny little 3 year old niece sang happy birthday to me even tho she can't say birthday
even my baby tarantula wished me happy bday by finally molting ( shedding it's skin to grow bigger ) for the first time ...... she used to be so tiny she looked like a regular house spider but she doubled in size and looks like a tiny tarantula a little bigger than a nickel ........ her name is roach , she's a costa rican zebra spider i'll put up some pics when i get a chance ......... later on me and some friends went out , they took me to the sears tower , which i thought was pretty cool ....... hell , i could see the my the refinery i work at from the top !! the view is awesome but the elevator up was nerve wracking and packed with people lol after that we went out to eat at ed debevick's , if you never heard of it the waiters and staff talk shit to you and act all retarded lol it's a pretty crazy place to go if your not easily offended haha........ the waitress' all got up on the bar and danced to some old ass song and bought out a ice cream sunday in a shot glass , it was funny as hell ...........after we stuffed our faces we went to the 2nd city , it's a comedy club on wells street ...... the do improv aan put on skits it's always a good time over there and the performers are great , alot of famous people started out there( i'm pretty sure jim belushi stated there ) we laughed our asses off , got drunk as hell , and drove home ( shame on us )
and happy birthday to me ............

all in all it was definately a good day

i'm jealous you got to call someone a bastard coated bastard with bastard filling ........... lmfao

Please do kick your bosses ass for me