Happy sweetest day ??? not for me it's not ! these romance holidays don't mean shit if your single and yes i'm being pissed off cuz eveyone i know is spending today with " that special " some one " and i'm on the damn computer ..... actaully i been kickin myself in the ass after last year cuz i did something really stupid ............ lemme start from the begining ...... in 2002 i met this girl and she was the coolest girl on the fuckin planet ( or atleast thats what i thought ) we started dating and we ended up getting engaged in 2005
( yeah i know bad choice when your as young as i was ) we were both crazy about each other , we had the same group of friends , and everyone just knew that we were the couple that was really gonna " make it " we were living together and after bein engaged for a while she really started to treat me like shit , take advantage , and i'll admit the i let her do it because i thought i was in love and i tried to understand that bein engaged at our age might scare her so yeah she pretty much did what she wanted when she wanted and i was cool with it . i figured she would get the jitterbugs out and things would return to normal........ HELL NO THEY DIDN'T !!!! one day i was at work and her cousin calls me and tells me that i'm being cheated on , i'm too much of a nice guy to put up with that kind of shit blah blah and to be honest deep down inside i knew what was happenin i just didn't want to admit it ya know ? so i call my fiance' to get the story straight and this bitch tells me that i work too much , i should know that she needs more attention than what i give her because i can't give her no attention while i'm at work ( no shit she had no job so i kinda HAD to work ) i have no plans for the future , and yes by the way i'm been fuckin like 6 different people for the past 3 months !!!! WTF !!!! and i'm at work when she tells me this so i can't do shit about it until i get off ..... i don't want to go into all the details but needless to say she moved wit some guy and i moved back home feelin dumb a hell ...... there is a few more details o that story but i don't feel comfortable talkin about them cause it makes i feel like a naive idiot everytime i even think about any of this ......... so fast forward to april 2006 ....me and a friend start actin like were a litttle more than friends which is cool cuz i've known her for a couple years and she's always been a sweet girl who shows consideration for ohers , EXTREMELY attractive , shares the same taste in music , pretty much an all around great girl ...... we start dating and after awhile we both start to fall for each other HARD ........ then one day i remember how great i thought my ex fiance' was and how terrible i felt when everything ended up the way it did ........ i remember being cheated on with 6 diffrent guys ......... i remember being told that my fiance fucked guys in our bed while i was at work .........i remember feeling used and being laughed at for letting it happen ............ so my dumb ass decides that i'm gonna cheat on this awesome girl that had never done ANYTHING to hurt me in anyway ....... i still had mad feelings for her but i was afraid to let the same thing happen and i had never cheated on any girl before because i know that shit is wrong so i told myself i would do it one time and never speak a word of it and definately never do it again ,....... so enter sweetest day 2006 ....... my girl was with her family in mexico until november so i figure now is the perfect time andshe would never find out and what she didn't know couldn't hurt her because i had no intentions ever hurting this girl ( and i still don';t ) so i call this girl that i wasn't even really attracted to but i knew she wanted to hook up and we go out and i acomplish my one nite stand cheating mission ........... and we leave it at that , her and my girlfriend din't know each other ( but she knew i had a girlfriend) and everyone goes back to their normal life .......... well in january my girl starts actin like she's losing interest and i belive in karma ( what goes around comes around ) so i already know i'm about to get what i deserve ( by the way i never told her about me cheating and i felt SOOOO guilty about it i knew i didn't deserve a girl like that anyway ) lo and behold she tells me that she has lost interest in our relationship and it's not because i did anything wrong thats just how she feels .......... i was crushed and sad but i knew i deserved it . we stayed bein good friends but eveytime i see her and we hang out i think of what a great girl i lost because i was so selfish ....... she knows that i'm single and kinda pessimistic about findin someone and she always reassures me that a great guy like me should have no trouble findin someone and she gives me all these compiments that i don't even deserve because i was in the wrong ........ and i still don't have the balls to tell her the whole story ...... she really thinks she broke my heart but she doesn't know that i deserved it ......... and that is why i kick myself in the ass this year because i fucked up last sweetest day last year and lost a great girl who was really one of a kind and i been single ever since .......... to all those guys out there who got hurt and might be a little pissed toward the females think before you act or you could really regret the choice you make whether the girl finds out or not cheatin ain't cool ..............to all the girls whether single or taken have a happy sweetest day from this guy who has learned his lesson to the fullest !!!!!!
( yeah i know bad choice when your as young as i was ) we were both crazy about each other , we had the same group of friends , and everyone just knew that we were the couple that was really gonna " make it " we were living together and after bein engaged for a while she really started to treat me like shit , take advantage , and i'll admit the i let her do it because i thought i was in love and i tried to understand that bein engaged at our age might scare her so yeah she pretty much did what she wanted when she wanted and i was cool with it . i figured she would get the jitterbugs out and things would return to normal........ HELL NO THEY DIDN'T !!!! one day i was at work and her cousin calls me and tells me that i'm being cheated on , i'm too much of a nice guy to put up with that kind of shit blah blah and to be honest deep down inside i knew what was happenin i just didn't want to admit it ya know ? so i call my fiance' to get the story straight and this bitch tells me that i work too much , i should know that she needs more attention than what i give her because i can't give her no attention while i'm at work ( no shit she had no job so i kinda HAD to work ) i have no plans for the future , and yes by the way i'm been fuckin like 6 different people for the past 3 months !!!! WTF !!!! and i'm at work when she tells me this so i can't do shit about it until i get off ..... i don't want to go into all the details but needless to say she moved wit some guy and i moved back home feelin dumb a hell ...... there is a few more details o that story but i don't feel comfortable talkin about them cause it makes i feel like a naive idiot everytime i even think about any of this ......... so fast forward to april 2006 ....me and a friend start actin like were a litttle more than friends which is cool cuz i've known her for a couple years and she's always been a sweet girl who shows consideration for ohers , EXTREMELY attractive , shares the same taste in music , pretty much an all around great girl ...... we start dating and after awhile we both start to fall for each other HARD ........ then one day i remember how great i thought my ex fiance' was and how terrible i felt when everything ended up the way it did ........ i remember being cheated on with 6 diffrent guys ......... i remember being told that my fiance fucked guys in our bed while i was at work .........i remember feeling used and being laughed at for letting it happen ............ so my dumb ass decides that i'm gonna cheat on this awesome girl that had never done ANYTHING to hurt me in anyway ....... i still had mad feelings for her but i was afraid to let the same thing happen and i had never cheated on any girl before because i know that shit is wrong so i told myself i would do it one time and never speak a word of it and definately never do it again ,....... so enter sweetest day 2006 ....... my girl was with her family in mexico until november so i figure now is the perfect time andshe would never find out and what she didn't know couldn't hurt her because i had no intentions ever hurting this girl ( and i still don';t ) so i call this girl that i wasn't even really attracted to but i knew she wanted to hook up and we go out and i acomplish my one nite stand cheating mission ........... and we leave it at that , her and my girlfriend din't know each other ( but she knew i had a girlfriend) and everyone goes back to their normal life .......... well in january my girl starts actin like she's losing interest and i belive in karma ( what goes around comes around ) so i already know i'm about to get what i deserve ( by the way i never told her about me cheating and i felt SOOOO guilty about it i knew i didn't deserve a girl like that anyway ) lo and behold she tells me that she has lost interest in our relationship and it's not because i did anything wrong thats just how she feels .......... i was crushed and sad but i knew i deserved it . we stayed bein good friends but eveytime i see her and we hang out i think of what a great girl i lost because i was so selfish ....... she knows that i'm single and kinda pessimistic about findin someone and she always reassures me that a great guy like me should have no trouble findin someone and she gives me all these compiments that i don't even deserve because i was in the wrong ........ and i still don't have the balls to tell her the whole story ...... she really thinks she broke my heart but she doesn't know that i deserved it ......... and that is why i kick myself in the ass this year because i fucked up last sweetest day last year and lost a great girl who was really one of a kind and i been single ever since .......... to all those guys out there who got hurt and might be a little pissed toward the females think before you act or you could really regret the choice you make whether the girl finds out or not cheatin ain't cool ..............to all the girls whether single or taken have a happy sweetest day from this guy who has learned his lesson to the fullest !!!!!!

nice to meet you also