to work overtime or not ? to be or not to be ? first of all i'm new to this site so lemme introduce myself . my name is Joe ( i hate it way too plain for me ) . i'm a union laborer apprentice and although i don't know a whole lot for the most part i really do like my job . i used to play with the Tonka truck toys when i was little so working constuction is pretty cool ( although some days are definately better than others ! ) i work at this B.p. oil refinery in indiana been there for a little over a year now . the whole union thing is pretty cool i work with alot of country boys from southern indiana and lemme tell you they are fuckin crazy ! never have i heard somebody use the phrase " what in the corn bread hell ? " until i got this job lol anyways i just came off overtime ( 12 hours a day 7 days a week WTF ! ) and although i had no life the money was awesome ! i saved a shitload and i'm about to pay off my truck and november 6 i leave for the bahamas ! ( had it planned for awhile ) anyways i'm about to go to constuction school for a week ( mandatory for apprentices ) to learn how to remove asbestos and when i come back from vacation i can keep my job and get a 2nd job at the same place to work the weekend again ( it sounds dumb that i would want to work the weekend but here's why ....... monday thru friday any work after 8 hours s time and a half , saturday is all time and a half , and sunday is all double time ! and regulary i make almost $30 an hour so it's well worth it ! ) i'm livin with my dad and sister's right now and i'm 23 so i think it's time i start lookin ahead cuz i don't want to live at home forever ! the job would only last 4 or 5 months and then i would just be on 40 hours again and i could really use the money to save up again to buy a house ( don't want no apartment ) but do i really want to go back to working those kind of hours again especially in the winter! ( we work outside ) i can't make up my mind !!!!!!!!!! only time will tll i guess ? .....
Oh and welcome to SG