Allright, listen. First of all, this is not an attack on anyone, especially not you. So don't take this personally, it's just my thought on the subject. We happen to live in a country where it's okay to think differently and voice different opinions and even be proud that people are saying stuff that we do not subscribe to. So shut up and just listen, or stop reading, you're free to do so. (goddamn legal department and their disclaimer fetish)
I'm tired of militant vegans. It's not that I don't like animals, it's not that I don't respect the sanctity of life, it's not that I'm not as enlightened as everybody else. It's that I don't like people who push their own personal beliefs on others, no matter how right they are. Come on, people. Seriously. You don't want someone preaching to you about their god, about their morality, about their belief that you shouldn't smoke. So why the fuck are you shoving your anti-meat rhetoric down other people's throats? Why can you not be tolerant of the difference between your beliefs and other's if you yourself would like to be left in peace to live your life as you please?
I don't mind people who choose not to eat meat or use animal products. It's their right to live as their own feelings dictate. I personally eat meat. I am proud to take my place in the food chain, to realize that I am part of the cycles and balances of nature, to a part of nature instead of above it. I thank every bit of food I eat, plant or animal, for the sacrifice it has made so that I and my loved ones may live. I wish it peace and joy in the next life and try to waste nothing. I do not subscribe to cruelty in the meat industry. I buy free range when I can. Often, economics dictate I buy non-free range. I wear leather, I love it, it is a fetish even. But I always thank the life that was given for me, I always am glad that a little more of that life is not going to waste.
We are a part of nature. Our lives affect other lives, even those of other species. And life moves in cycles. Birth, Growth, Death, Re-Birth. The grass makes sugar from the sun, the bunny eats the grass, I eat the bunny, someday the worms eat me and shit me out in nutrients, the grass then eats me. And so the cycle goes. It's not evil. It's not barbaric. It's the balance and the way of nature, a far older and wiser entity than any of us. So stop the elitist bullshit. Stop the preaching. You destroy so many microcosms when you plow a soybean field. I'm not saying you're not trying to do something good. I'm not saying your ideals lack nobility or intelligence. I'm saying quit being an asshole. Live and let live. Fight for better conditions for animals. Fight for an end to cruel practices. Stop throwing red paint on people. Stop acting like you're more advanced than everyone else because of your dietary selection. And if you don't, if you continue to be a dick to others, expect to be treated the same. Golden rule, people, and I'm done.
On a good note, I want you all to know that seeing a married chick rocks!! I will be including a section on dating married women in my book, A Sordid Guide to Life. Look for it, but you won't find it, because I just thought of it today.
Much love to all of you who got this far. Meat eater or not, my heart is full for you all. Full of tacos, oh, so full of taco-y goodness for you all. And lil burritos, too. Oh, and be sure to check out the new pics I posted in Just Some Dude folder. That's my bro Joey right there, the most awesome son of a bitch that ever walked the face of this earth.
Infidelity makes baby jesus cry tears of fire.
I loves me the little fires. I loves them good.
the nail boy
I'm tired of militant vegans. It's not that I don't like animals, it's not that I don't respect the sanctity of life, it's not that I'm not as enlightened as everybody else. It's that I don't like people who push their own personal beliefs on others, no matter how right they are. Come on, people. Seriously. You don't want someone preaching to you about their god, about their morality, about their belief that you shouldn't smoke. So why the fuck are you shoving your anti-meat rhetoric down other people's throats? Why can you not be tolerant of the difference between your beliefs and other's if you yourself would like to be left in peace to live your life as you please?
I don't mind people who choose not to eat meat or use animal products. It's their right to live as their own feelings dictate. I personally eat meat. I am proud to take my place in the food chain, to realize that I am part of the cycles and balances of nature, to a part of nature instead of above it. I thank every bit of food I eat, plant or animal, for the sacrifice it has made so that I and my loved ones may live. I wish it peace and joy in the next life and try to waste nothing. I do not subscribe to cruelty in the meat industry. I buy free range when I can. Often, economics dictate I buy non-free range. I wear leather, I love it, it is a fetish even. But I always thank the life that was given for me, I always am glad that a little more of that life is not going to waste.
We are a part of nature. Our lives affect other lives, even those of other species. And life moves in cycles. Birth, Growth, Death, Re-Birth. The grass makes sugar from the sun, the bunny eats the grass, I eat the bunny, someday the worms eat me and shit me out in nutrients, the grass then eats me. And so the cycle goes. It's not evil. It's not barbaric. It's the balance and the way of nature, a far older and wiser entity than any of us. So stop the elitist bullshit. Stop the preaching. You destroy so many microcosms when you plow a soybean field. I'm not saying you're not trying to do something good. I'm not saying your ideals lack nobility or intelligence. I'm saying quit being an asshole. Live and let live. Fight for better conditions for animals. Fight for an end to cruel practices. Stop throwing red paint on people. Stop acting like you're more advanced than everyone else because of your dietary selection. And if you don't, if you continue to be a dick to others, expect to be treated the same. Golden rule, people, and I'm done.
On a good note, I want you all to know that seeing a married chick rocks!! I will be including a section on dating married women in my book, A Sordid Guide to Life. Look for it, but you won't find it, because I just thought of it today.
Much love to all of you who got this far. Meat eater or not, my heart is full for you all. Full of tacos, oh, so full of taco-y goodness for you all. And lil burritos, too. Oh, and be sure to check out the new pics I posted in Just Some Dude folder. That's my bro Joey right there, the most awesome son of a bitch that ever walked the face of this earth.
Infidelity makes baby jesus cry tears of fire.
I loves me the little fires. I loves them good.
the nail boy

thanx for the kind words in my journal..i try to live my life to the fullest but damn it is hard!

i try and stay blissfully and ignorantly happy at all times....queso really helps
oh and i always have a killer night because i love my beef tacos
and well somethings gotta die to make em.....and fuck anyone who wants to flame me for that comment i was a farmgirl and have seen/done it all firsthand so