Okay, sorry it's been so long since I've put in a journal entry.
Goddamn roommates.
I'm moving this weekend to a little orange house in City Heights. It'll be way cooler than stupid yuppy Mission Valley.
My landlord owns a coffee house and promotes art. I'm going to an art opening he's hosting tonight. Finally! Cool art people! I am excited.
I cut my hair.
I have two little horns at the side and spikes all down the middle. Everything else is super short. I like it.
I suppose I'll post pics soon.
Still haven't managed to sell my brother's '71 Impala. We need to hurry up and sell it so we have money for bills.
I went to a metal show last night with my neighbor. I had to be good in front of her friends.
"Good" is overrated.
SG is posting a multiple every day. I wonder if this is a new thing. Not that I'm complaining, just wondering...
I'm working really hard to get a small set of tattoo flash done so I can make a little money. I'll post a few when they are colored. I want to do a lot of different broken heart designs.
I think that's all for now.
May the gods/goddesses rain delicious amounts of "yummy" down on your little pastry heads!
the nail boy
okay, okay, here it is, my new cut:

Goddamn roommates.
I'm moving this weekend to a little orange house in City Heights. It'll be way cooler than stupid yuppy Mission Valley.
My landlord owns a coffee house and promotes art. I'm going to an art opening he's hosting tonight. Finally! Cool art people! I am excited.
I cut my hair.
I have two little horns at the side and spikes all down the middle. Everything else is super short. I like it.
I suppose I'll post pics soon.
Still haven't managed to sell my brother's '71 Impala. We need to hurry up and sell it so we have money for bills.
I went to a metal show last night with my neighbor. I had to be good in front of her friends.
"Good" is overrated.

SG is posting a multiple every day. I wonder if this is a new thing. Not that I'm complaining, just wondering...

I'm working really hard to get a small set of tattoo flash done so I can make a little money. I'll post a few when they are colored. I want to do a lot of different broken heart designs.
I think that's all for now.
May the gods/goddesses rain delicious amounts of "yummy" down on your little pastry heads!
the nail boy

okay, okay, here it is, my new cut:

sure, mongoose it is! Love the hair!

yay! tacos and mongoose babies! woohoo i'll bring queso mmmmmmmmm