I went to Black's Beach last night, a clothing-optional beach in San Diego, for a bonfire/drum thing. I just ended up walking up the beach with this girl I met talking about how the whole black vs. white/good vs. evil ideal has ruined everything by making everyine strive for an imbalanced position in life, rather than become balanced and join the cycles of things. It was really good conversation and she was one of the few Anarchists I'v known who actually had intelligent beliefs. It all made me happy and sad at the same time that deep and engaging conversations are not a larger part of my everyday communication with others. <sigh> I miss having people to really talk to, which is kind of strange since I really never had much of that anyhow. Oh, well, the minute hand moves foreword and the ADD assures a new train of thought.
I've heard of that place but never knew where it was ...wait maybe that was seal beach haha who knows
haha maybe thats why I haven't been there...La Jolla area=to too mountainy but your right on the view bit