I've been thinking a lot about "Truth". My mom always used to say, "no matter what it costs you, you must always tell the truth." And for a long time, I wanted to be more honest, more direct, more truthful with everyone. Yet, there are problems with black and white policies in a Technicolor world. I mean, sure, you can rack up all the costs to yourself with total honesty and "Truth". But what of the costs to others? How do you justify hurting others with unnecessarily with your honesty? And I also think that people hide behind "Truth", like telling their other how they cheated (under the guise of being "Truthful"), when the reality is more along the lines of easing personal guilt. Perhaps I'll give people a choice of uncensored honesty or just regular old honesty with unlimited white lies. Or maybe I'll just stop thinking about stuff so much.
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Tuesday Jan 25, 2005
Okay, sorry this has been so long in the comming. Here's the update:… -
Friday Dec 31, 2004
okay, i really need to get the internet again cuz you all rock my soc… -
Friday Dec 17, 2004
so its been awhile since I've been on, thank you the faithful who sti… -
Wednesday Dec 08, 2004
hey all. how's it going? Jesus, things are getting busy. i'm tryin… -
Saturday Nov 27, 2004
And round and round we go, where we stop no one knows, I see a patter… -
Thursday Nov 25, 2004
hey, thanks to all you guys for leaving comments on my page even thou… -
Thursday Nov 18, 2004
So I'm excited, my friend is doing SG!! Her name will be Poppet (my … -
Tuesday Nov 09, 2004
It's one of those months where karma decides that your credit isn't t… -
Monday Nov 01, 2004
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Wednesday Oct 27, 2004
okay, i just wrote a whole big thing on getting rid of wothless assho…