My next door neighbors backyard was made over by Extreme Makeover home edition. A few days ago it was an overgrown jungle and now it's an english garden. They did it in two days. We were trying to figure out why they were working so fast, and then it was finished. I'm talking a two-tier fountain, park benches and an orange tree with oranges on it. There is a gate and an arch of St. Louis thing. It's fucking absurd. We realized what was going on when the camera crews showed up. I went online and found out that it was in fact Extreme Makeover. It looks nice but it's a bit busy.
So if you are watching Extreme Makeover home edition and you see two very confused people next door..........
4:04 p.m. updated to say that a friend stopped by and said that the garden was "fucking ridiculous".
So if you are watching Extreme Makeover home edition and you see two very confused people next door..........

4:04 p.m. updated to say that a friend stopped by and said that the garden was "fucking ridiculous".
Now that I know you are here, maybe we can do some posting together....
Do you go to the SG events? I haven't been to one yet. Except for the Peaches show, but that wasn't really an event.
you having aparty ??? i'll come .... can i sleep on the floor ... or in the next door garden ...