Guess what i am now the proud owner of? A shiny new gold tooth!!! A real one!!! $$$Bling Bling$$$ it's my far back molar and it's only a temporary crown, but still. Pretty fucking cool!!! I don't think that the permanant crown will be gold but i hope that it is. $$$Bling Bling$$$
Yesterday some guy can into my work and was a complete and total asshole. After he had left I looked down and realized that he had dropped a bag of weed!! Score!! So i of course took it and put it in my pocket. About a half hour later we get a call for "the pink haired woman" who had been helping him. I get on the phone and he asks me if i could look to see if he had left anything there. I went throught the motions like I was looking..."sorry sir but i don't see anything. What was it that you lost?". He straight up said his bag of buds. I laughed and told him that that sucked but i couldn't find it. Boo-Hoo. Be rude to me mother fucker!!!
Yesterday some guy can into my work and was a complete and total asshole. After he had left I looked down and realized that he had dropped a bag of weed!! Score!! So i of course took it and put it in my pocket. About a half hour later we get a call for "the pink haired woman" who had been helping him. I get on the phone and he asks me if i could look to see if he had left anything there. I went throught the motions like I was looking..."sorry sir but i don't see anything. What was it that you lost?". He straight up said his bag of buds. I laughed and told him that that sucked but i couldn't find it. Boo-Hoo. Be rude to me mother fucker!!!

more offensive jokes

ghetto fabulous! now i must dig into my bag of tricks to wow the princess. thanks for showing mercy on a lowly vegas weirdo.