I'm not going to prom tomorrow. I'd love to meet some my sg friends from out of town though. Drop me a line if you are going for cocktails or anything interesting.
Nothing elicits a negative judgement in San Francisco subculture faster than an Midwestern accent. Well, maybe a Southern accent. Can you imagine a Goth girl saying "My Maw dunt like it when I dress like this. Good thin she ain't never seen my tats."
got your comment. and man. I have much to talk about. especially after tonights mess. the girl is no longer staying with me. I hate it when people create their own drama. but whatever. I wasn't expecting much so this isn't much of a shock. still it sucks. hugs and perhaps I'll see you this sunday.
I just went to a 313 detroit party!! The first of its kind. It was well represented and lovely in every way. The bouncer/door guy said that he had never heard music like it before and that he that loved it! i swear that we will take this town by techno force sooner than later.
My best friend has left town for a hot second.... Read More
Why do people keep building houses on cliffs in California? It just doesn't seem smart with the earthquakes and mudslides. Many of them are on stilts too!!! Then they ask for goverment funding to help rebuild. How are you going to build a $5,000,000 home ON A CLIFF?!?!
I'm so happy that my house is in a valley, built on bedrock!
Hey lady! Email me the digits so I can deliver that package I picked up from you like a month ago! Not that I don't enjoy admiring the fabulousness that is you and sfdeep.
I'm in town next weekend for Mutaytor...maybe see you kids too?
Isn't Sicily the hottest? I'm so lucky that she is my BEST FRIEND!!
For those of you who are interested in jewelry...my website isn't up yet but it's in the works. Sicily will have a link on her site soon too. If you want to see more of my work and you live in the bay area please email me. I do appointment only and... Read More
very hott, i love that set and the necklace it was nice meeting you before at minna. i really like your jewelry and i'll if you email me I can hit you back with some photos. if your looking to do pictures of your stuff that would be fun.
I spent most of last night in the sf general emergency room. My boss cut her finger really deep while trying to cut the stems off of her valentine roses!! We had 5 hours to laugh about it. Crack heads sleeping on the floor. A worn out old woman going on about james brown. I had heard about this hospital but had never been to... Read More
I really like your jewelry work and the piece in Sicily's new set. Do you have anything for sale because I would be very interested in some. I'm in the bay area so let me know,
yeah I saw you comment on mine to check hers out and I already had. I think I'm on the first page of comments on hers. be seeing you soon lady - like dna next week then the show on saturday yes?
speaking of shoots though it looks like I'll be working with a makeup artist friend soon on helping each other build portfolio work. should be fun!
alright lady, send me your cell # and I will harrass you when I get out of work- looks like I might make it out earlier, depends on reso's etc. But I want to know how late you will be @!!!
I just found out that a friend of mine who has been in some trouble at work, has been paying people to go into his work when he's not there to rave to the general manager about how awesome he is!!! Baahahahahah!! I love it!! In my 15 years of employment I have never heard of anything like that. It's funny too because he is... Read More
That's probably smarter than paying someone to do your job... that probably wouldn't work for too long...
At an old job of mine I went "beyond the call of duty" and helped some customer... when she asked if there was anything she could do, I said, "go tell my boss not to fire me."..... That's not quite the same, but... yeah....um...