Hi Guys!!
I'm a little bit sad today!!!... i'm a vegetarian, but lately i've been sick, dizzy and weak, and doctor says that's why i need animal protein and i tried pills but pills didn't work... and doctor doesn't recommend more pills because maybe my body isn't going to resist it
... so since today i have to eat some animals like fish or something like that
... i hate it but i don't want to be sick anymore.
I'm a little bit sad today!!!... i'm a vegetarian, but lately i've been sick, dizzy and weak, and doctor says that's why i need animal protein and i tried pills but pills didn't work... and doctor doesn't recommend more pills because maybe my body isn't going to resist it


I think you were trying to say you were vegan maybe? Because if you're lacto ovo vegetarian you can eat eggs and milk. and there's another name for the vegetarians who eat fish also, though the name of that I can't think of.
aww that sucks lady! as a vegetarian i can't imagine what i would do, but hopefully if you try adding some beans and dark leafy greens in will help you get the iron and protien you need, and make sure you aren't skimping on healthy fats. i would also highly reccommend liquid aminos-- don't let the crazy website deter you, amino acids are one of the hardest things to get in your diet as a vegetarian, and you need them to live! good luck pretty woman!