Sad day in my life
I have to say good bye to my piercings

Here in Colombia, People sucks, if you work like tattoo artist or body piercer, off course you can use them!!! but if you are a publicist and you want a job like a Planner, you can't use piercings!! nobody believes in you!!!
i really want a job like a planner and i hate i have to take off my piercings!!!
life sucks

I have to say good bye to my piercings

Here in Colombia, People sucks, if you work like tattoo artist or body piercer, off course you can use them!!! but if you are a publicist and you want a job like a Planner, you can't use piercings!! nobody believes in you!!!
i really want a job like a planner and i hate i have to take off my piercings!!!
life sucks

Gracias hermosa por tu apoyo a mi nuevo set Glitter in the Air

That totally sucks. Piercings or the lack thereof are not indicators of the goodness, or work ethic of a person.