ok, a place that I can explain how I feel 
sometimes my life turn in black (U) and really I guess... have a reason to stay alive?
burp... I don't have an answer...
I feel really freakish and... I wanna go across the frozen sea like saves the day sing :3
broken hearts, a little bit of ink in my body (really, I needed it) and the love of all my family, my friends
and my pets <3
kisses for all! and after I writed it i feel so optimistic
I really love clouds are one of my vices

other vice SKITTLES!!!!! ami ami!

love for all (L)

sometimes my life turn in black (U) and really I guess... have a reason to stay alive?

burp... I don't have an answer...
I feel really freakish and... I wanna go across the frozen sea like saves the day sing :3
broken hearts, a little bit of ink in my body (really, I needed it) and the love of all my family, my friends
and my pets <3
kisses for all! and after I writed it i feel so optimistic

I really love clouds are one of my vices

love for all (L)
Me encantan los skittles!!!!

yo quieeeero !