A beautiful day began today, filled with bacon.
A big warm thanks to vegemite and aka55 for knowing how to start trouble. Great birthday party they had.
Strip clubs are lame without a bunch of SGNY rascals and miscreants.
And then it's just some blissful space in time that you wish erased from any historical record. That type of night after which you look at the other attendants the next time you see them and just give them that knowing nod.
No need to ever bring that up again.
A big warm thanks to vegemite and aka55 for knowing how to start trouble. Great birthday party they had.
Strip clubs are lame without a bunch of SGNY rascals and miscreants.
And then it's just some blissful space in time that you wish erased from any historical record. That type of night after which you look at the other attendants the next time you see them and just give them that knowing nod.
No need to ever bring that up again.

Write a new blog! Make it about bikes! hahahha oh boy Ill see you sunday funny guy!