This is how i felt at 8:30 this morning sitting in my Stats class.
I was way tired.
I'm going to get straight A's again this semester. This half-assed shit seems to be working out well for me. I'm into it.
I'm pretty well hated in all my classes because of this fact though. I rarely go to class and when i do go to class i usually just sleep, doodle (draw pornographic pictures), crack jokes.. basically just goof off. So when i get A's people get bitter. HA HA!
Its Cinco De Mayo.
In 1862, this was the day that Mexico kicked out the French. And so Americans celebrate by getting drunk. awesome.
I might go to China this summer for 3.5 weeks to teach kids grades 2-6 english. But i dont know... i wish there weren't so many asian people in china. Anton told me not visit Japan because i WILL be raped. haha.
me - "Mom i'm think about going to China this summer for an internship and school credit."
mom - "Why the hell do you wanna go to china for? Asian people are so tiny and creepy!"
... we're not really racist, i swear. We just find it funny to pretend to be.
I was just watching this UFO special... and i've come to the conclusion that i have, in fact, been abducted by aliens... i just can't remember it too well because of their nifty memory erasing techniques.
and i've also seen a chupacabra... but that's neither here nor there.
....but good thing i'm not a goat.
P.S. Pigtails are what's up.
my hairs getting long, i'm excited.

I was way tired.
I'm going to get straight A's again this semester. This half-assed shit seems to be working out well for me. I'm into it.
I'm pretty well hated in all my classes because of this fact though. I rarely go to class and when i do go to class i usually just sleep, doodle (draw pornographic pictures), crack jokes.. basically just goof off. So when i get A's people get bitter. HA HA!
Its Cinco De Mayo.
In 1862, this was the day that Mexico kicked out the French. And so Americans celebrate by getting drunk. awesome.
I might go to China this summer for 3.5 weeks to teach kids grades 2-6 english. But i dont know... i wish there weren't so many asian people in china. Anton told me not visit Japan because i WILL be raped. haha.
me - "Mom i'm think about going to China this summer for an internship and school credit."
mom - "Why the hell do you wanna go to china for? Asian people are so tiny and creepy!"
... we're not really racist, i swear. We just find it funny to pretend to be.
I was just watching this UFO special... and i've come to the conclusion that i have, in fact, been abducted by aliens... i just can't remember it too well because of their nifty memory erasing techniques.
and i've also seen a chupacabra... but that's neither here nor there.
....but good thing i'm not a goat.
P.S. Pigtails are what's up.

my hairs getting long, i'm excited.
I'll give ya a call...or vice versa...but we both know how you are with phones.
China....ah...yes. My memories of China consist of several CHINAMEN and women invading my personal space (touching, tugging, laughing, putting their face in my face)because they'd hardly ever seen a white man before...
...helping out a needy child...only to have the coin I dropped in his empty cup become the GONG that sounded the go ahead for the MOB that then decended on me looking for a handout. I almost did'nt make it out alive....
...thousands and thousands of bikes and pedestrians and cars...with no lanes...NO RULES. The streets could'nt be more disorganized if a blind man were the urban planner.
...walking into a convienience store in Shanghai to buy a pack of gum...only to walk out because there were dead chickens...and I swear to you...dogs...hanging from the shelf above the candy....
...seeing possibly the most beautiful asian woman I have ever seen in my life at the Yu Yuan Garden giftshop. I'll never forget how gorgeous she was across the room. I walked in the door and music started playing. You know the music...LOVE at first sight music....then....
then she smiled.
The music came to a screetching halt.
I've never seen teeth so green. China is definately the most foreign of the foreign countries I've been. Worth the trip...but I creeped me out in a way I can't explain. You should go.