So what do you do when the guy you gave your heart to gets completely careless with it? And throws it away. And then comes crawling back a few days later trying to dust it off and tape the pieces back together?
Do you let him, because you still love him and risk the same occurance happening again?
Or do you cut your losses and just move on because you know you deserve better?
So what do you do when the guy you gave your heart to gets completely careless with it? And throws it away. And then comes crawling back a few days later trying to dust it off and tape the pieces back together?
Do you let him, because you still love him and risk the same occurance happening again?
Or do you cut your losses and just move on because you know you deserve better?
Communication is the most important thing. Let him know exactly how you feel. I hate to use used cars as a metaphor, but it tends to work here. Moving on to someone else is like trading in your car for another used car. Sure you get rid of those old annoying problems, but you will get stuck with a whole new set of problems too.
Knowing that you can't change people - that kind of change has to come from themselves. You have to ask "Can you accept me the way I am and can I accept you the way you are"?
I hope things work out for you.