My niece is in town. I'm soooooooo happy!!!
This little girl was created souly to warm people's heart with her smile.
Her bones are made out of the most loving marrow.
And i thank God for her.
And if God didn't make her... let me shake the hand of whomever did.
They've outdone themselves with her.
I know no one better.
If someone is...don't let me meet them. I couldn't handle it.
I can hardly handle her.
She is my hope.
She is my whole heart. <3

This little girl was created souly to warm people's heart with her smile.
Her bones are made out of the most loving marrow.
And i thank God for her.
And if God didn't make her... let me shake the hand of whomever did.
They've outdone themselves with her.
I know no one better.
If someone is...don't let me meet them. I couldn't handle it.
I can hardly handle her.
She is my hope.
She is my whole heart. <3
she is so freaking adorable
i want kids
really really badly
but im not quite ready yet
but i cant wait