As much as school blows, there's always those few moments that are just soo fucking amusing that it's almost worth all the other bullshit. But yeah, for those that really know me.. yes, i'm still thinking about dropping out and just selling random shit on eBay and giving blow jobs for a living.
Three weeks into the semester and here are some highlights:
- Watching some chicks head sway up and down as she was dozing off to sleep and then BAM!! her head hits the desk really fucking hard. Really funny.
- Having to sing in front of my psych class for being 15 minutes late. Most people sing "twinkle twinkle" or "happy birthday"... what did i sing? Baby Got Back!!
- The whole Laquisha thing. (refer down a few entries)
- My friend asked me for a drink of my water and he was all, "do i have to birdie drink?" to which i replied, "i don't fucking care, it's not like i have gonorrhea of the mouth or anything." So he starts drinking and as he's drinking i was all, "buuuuut, i do give my boyfriend head." And without even thinking he spit the water out alllll over the girl in front of us. So amazing. I had to leave class cuz i couldn't stop laughing.
- Basically getting kicked out of a class that i wasn't even in. I walked by a class and saw one of my friends in there, so i started doing random things to make him laugh. Well, the majority of the class laughed and then i got in trouble.
- Drawing on my friends face when he fell asleep on the second floor of the library.
- pretty much every time i'm in my American Studies class because i sit by my partner in crime - a tubby asian kid that is hilarious.
- Reading a Sumerian love poem out loud in History that had the word "vulva" in it. "when he places his hand on my precious vulva" to be exact. hahahahahaha. I didn't know it was in there. so i read it. paused. and then started hysterically laughing. i'm so immature sometimes, i swear.
Three weeks into the semester and here are some highlights:
- Watching some chicks head sway up and down as she was dozing off to sleep and then BAM!! her head hits the desk really fucking hard. Really funny.
- Having to sing in front of my psych class for being 15 minutes late. Most people sing "twinkle twinkle" or "happy birthday"... what did i sing? Baby Got Back!!
- The whole Laquisha thing. (refer down a few entries)
- My friend asked me for a drink of my water and he was all, "do i have to birdie drink?" to which i replied, "i don't fucking care, it's not like i have gonorrhea of the mouth or anything." So he starts drinking and as he's drinking i was all, "buuuuut, i do give my boyfriend head." And without even thinking he spit the water out alllll over the girl in front of us. So amazing. I had to leave class cuz i couldn't stop laughing.
- Basically getting kicked out of a class that i wasn't even in. I walked by a class and saw one of my friends in there, so i started doing random things to make him laugh. Well, the majority of the class laughed and then i got in trouble.
- Drawing on my friends face when he fell asleep on the second floor of the library.
- pretty much every time i'm in my American Studies class because i sit by my partner in crime - a tubby asian kid that is hilarious.
- Reading a Sumerian love poem out loud in History that had the word "vulva" in it. "when he places his hand on my precious vulva" to be exact. hahahahahaha. I didn't know it was in there. so i read it. paused. and then started hysterically laughing. i'm so immature sometimes, i swear.
Trust me...I'll be the first mother fucker bidding.